
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X ( | others


Adrien Miqueu (2721)
  This indexer is a member of the teams Belgium, Canada, Egypt, France.
Ahmad Resh (2)
Alberto Becattini (1435)
Alberto Savini (3)
Aldo Mattioli (13)
Alessandro Iovino (23)
Alessia L. (12)
Alexander Görig (137)
Alexander Grünke (52)
Alexandros Lazarou (1253)
Anders Christian Sivebæk (221)
Anders de Voss (841)
Anders Engwall (845)
Anders Sørensen (4)
Andreas Eldh (54)
Andrew Krieg (36)
Andrzej Głowacki (472)
Angela Nijen-es (416)
Antti Peltola (6749)
Apostolis Trikourakis (111)
Archontis Pantsios (77)
Ari Seppi (292)
  This indexer is a member of the team Finland.
Ariel Ch. (641)
  This indexer is a member of the team Poland.
Armando Botto (3379)
Arthur de Wolf (57)
Arthur Faria Jr. (5329)
  This indexer is a member of the teams Brazil, Portuguese language.
Atli Axfjörð (873)
Atli Týr Ægisson (684)


Bas Schuddeboom (1309)
Bent Pedersen (1)
Boemund Von Hunoltstein (142)
Brix Lichtenberg (3504)
Bror Hellman (284)


Carla Lombardo (22)
Carlo Gentina (18)
César García Zubiaga (5478)
  This indexer is a member of the teams Spanish, Portugal, Portuguese language.
Christoph Overberg (3866)
  This indexer is a member of the team Germany.
Christoph Restel (456)
Christopher Barat (1)
Claude-Alain Berdoz (1)


Damiano Tazzari (30)
Daniël van der Veer (883)
Daniël van Eijmeren (37)
David Gerstein (739)
Disney department of Gramedia (389)
Don Rosa (2)
Dr. Arne Voigtmann (377)


Eesger Toering (4)
Einar Myre (2949)
Eirik Birkeland (1311)
  This indexer is a member of the team Norway.
Erik Hørthe (14)


Fábio André Santos (52)
Fabrizio Cellerini (38)
Federico Provenzano (350)
Ferdi Felderhof (1740)
Fernando Ventura (270)
Floyd Gottfredson (1)
Fragkiskos Plytas (3931)
Francesco Gerbaldo (7892)
Francesco Spreafico (1758)
  This indexer is a member of the team Italy.
Francesco Stajano (11)
Franco Bellazzi (1222)
François Willot (5114)
  This indexer is a member of the teams Belgium, Canada, Other, France, Scans, Website.
Frank Aasgård (4310)
  This indexer is a member of the teams Norway, United Kingdom.
Fréderic Lhôte (3)
Fredrik Ekman (236)


George Zoit (809)
Gerasimos Ntokopoulos (734)
  This indexer is a member of the team Greece.
Gerd Syllwasschy (264)
Germund von Wowern (274)
Gianfranco Cordara (2)
Gianfranco Goria (1)
Gilbert Roser (2482)
Gilles Garrigues (3408)
  This indexer is a member of the teams Belgium, Canada, France.
Gilles Maurice (14)
Giorgos Agridiotis (39)


Hans Kiesl (37)
Harry Fluks (5847)
  This indexer is a member of the teams Belgium, H-coded stories, Programming, Netherlands, USA, Various USA stories, Newspaper strips, Scamp Newspaper strips.
Henrieke Goorhuis (2)
Henry Fox (1665)


Igor T. (854)
  This indexer is a member of the team Russia and Latvia.


Jan Roar Hansen (130)
Jano Rohleder (35)
Jenny Ivens (77)
Jeppe Bøgh Pedersen (1)
Jérôme Wicky (1)
Jesse Marsh (1)
Joachim Stahl (1)
Joe Torcivia (3)
Johan Andersson (41)
Johan Nilsson (532)
Johannes A. Grote (35)
Johannes Promann (2109)
  This indexer is a member of the teams Germany, Movies.
John Armstrong (217)
Jonathan Markoff (142)
Jörg Läßker (163)


Karsten Bracker (5199)
  This indexer is a member of the teams China, Germany, various Asia, Singapore.
Kaya Özkaracalar (1603)
  This indexer is a member of the team Turkey.
Kim Weston (1)
Kjell Croné (3977)
  This indexer is a member of the team Sweden.


Lars Jensen (1)
Lars Olsson (2971)
Leonardo Gori (33)
Luca Boschi (13)
Luca Faccioli (12)
Luis Bärenfaller (2)


Ma Yunqiao (409)
Maciek Pachana (117)
Mads Jensen (430)
  This indexer is a member of the teams D-coded stories, Denmark, various Europe, Newspaper strips, Scamp Newspaper strips.
Marco Barlotti (553)
  This indexer is a member of the team I-coded stories.
Marko Davidović (8585)
  This indexer is a member of the teams Egypt, various Europe, Turkey, Yugoslavia.
Martijn Houwen (261)
Martin Olsen (2715)
Massimo Bonura (189)
Mateusz Lis (295)
  This indexer is a member of the team Poland.
Mateusz Włodarczyk (49)
Matteo Sonz (3602)
Matteo Venturi (405)
Michael Bregel (23)
Michael Kirch Thomsen (314)
  This indexer is a member of the teams D-coded stories, Denmark.
Michel Angot (234)
Mike Devery (599)
Mike Schneiderath (5)
Mikkel Hagen (6)
Miroslav Benassi (15)


Nicola Raimondi (1563)
Nicolay Filippov (491)
Niels Houlberg Hansen (3160)
  This indexer is a member of the teams Creators (biographies), D-coded stories, Denmark, Denmark: MetroXpress.
Niels Jakob Søe Loft (131)
Nik Dion (916)
Nuno Cunha (424)
  This indexer is a member of the teams Portugal, Portuguese language.


Olaf Moriarty Solstrand (3)
Ole Damgaard (62)
  This indexer is a member of the teams D-coded stories, Denmark.
Ole Reichstein Nielsen (4658)
Olivier Bordier (2)
Olivier Michelet (253)
Otto Burzlaff (60)
Øyvind Braaten (1322)


Paolo Castagno (3515)
Paul Hatzipashalis (564)
Per Starbäck (518)
Per Vedin (282)
Peter Friis Jeppesen (1)
Petri Kanninen (106)
Pim Heeman (787)
  This indexer is a member of the teams H-coded stories, Modern global production, Netherlands, Promotional drawings, Singapore, Website.


Radosław Koch (692)
Ralf Corsten (8114)
  This indexer is a member of the teams Netherlands Antilles, Australia and New Zealand, Belgium, H-coded stories, Netherlands, Movies, United Kingdom, USA, Various USA stories.
Rémi Barnault (1954)
  This indexer is a member of the teams Canada, Egypt, France.
Rémi Lartia (12)
Renata Palheiros (29)
Rich Bellacera (9)
Roger Budnick (72)
Romain Pomier (412)
Roy Kooij-man (851)
Rune Teilholt (149)


Salvo Di Marco (2)
Sander Dijkhuis (38)
Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr. (207)
Simo Malinen (5976)
  This indexer is a member of the teams D-coded stories, Finland, Finland (SMa).
Søren Krarup Olesen (1564)
  This indexer is a member of the teams D-coded stories, Denmark.
Spyros Stravoravdis (820)
Stefan Diös (11)
Stefan Persson (4874)
  This indexer is a member of the teams China, Japan and South Korea, Promotional drawings, Sweden, I/D, I WITCH, fake codes, Scamp Newspaper strips.
Steven Rowe (26)
Sverre Knutsen (811)


The Grand Comics Database (8)
Thom Roep (1)
Thomas Jensen (300)
Thomas Pryds (761)
Thomas Schrøder (2)
Timo Ronkainen (60)
Tom Peaco (64)
Tommy Kvarsvik (537)
Tony Richards (1302)
  This indexer is a member of the team Australia and New Zealand.
Tor Lindström (51)
Tristan Lapoussière (15)
Tryfon Evangelidis (198)
Trygve Vatle (87)


Uli Vogel (1)


Vidar Svendsen (1535)
Ville Salminen (191)
Ville Tanttu (3)


William Marshall (672)


Xavier Vermenouze (1506)


(no one) (41800)


Casty (2)
O. (326)

The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.