Zio Paperone e il deposito sotterraneo

Story code
I TL 1122-B
Zio Paperone e il deposito sotterraneo
3 rows per page
Donald Duck, Grandpa Beagle, Huey Dewey and Louie, The Beagle Boys (2), Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Giorgio Pezzin
Art (pencil and ink)
Giorgio Cavazzano
Date of first publication
Referred to in
Qit/CTS 29H (article), I TL 2862-5 (Zio Paperone e la lampada ubiquitante) (flashback), Qit/DSBP 2B (article, panel as illustration), Qgr/7HK 1B (8th page)

This story is rated 7.1/10 and ranked 951/44722 according to COA users. There have been about 30 votes for this story.

fiKarhukoplan hyökkäyksen runneltua Roope-sedän rahasäiliötä pahanpäiväisesti, Roope keksii välttää julkisivun remonttikustannukset rakentamalla uuden 300 metrisen rahalaarin maan alle - mutta Karhuveikoilla on keino poksauttaa uusikin säiliö auki ja rahavarat kirjaimellisesti taivaan tuuliin.
itGiudicando il deposito troppo esposto ai continui assalti bassotteschi, Paperone ne costruisce uno nuovo sotterraneo al quale si accede solo tramite un ascensore. Ma i Bassotti si mescolano agli operai del cantiere e progettano una grandiosa esplosione. (by Joe Acchiappa, history)
itnuovo deposito
Italy, TL 1122
more scans >>
Italy, TL 1122
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Greece, MM 664
Spain, DM 198
Germany, OD 26
Greece, MM 1306
Greece, KL 172
Italy, SUD 37
Germany, LTBSE2012-1
Brazil, MGD 4
Germany, LTBE 72

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