Uncle Scrooge

Story code
ARC US 289
Another Rainbow (Gladstone)
Uncle Scrooge
Uncle Scrooge, Whiskervilles (1) [show character portraits]
Don Rosa
Art (pencil and ink)
Don Rosa
Date of first publication
The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck
Refers to
D 92191 (The New Laird of Castle McDuck) (cover)
Referred to in
illustration: Qpl/KD 1997-19, Qpl/KD 2000-27, Qpl/KD 2013-20
image: Qgr/KXB 38A, Xgr/HBPS 5A
various: Qfr/GEP 2A (article), D 11582 (remake), Qgr/KXB 37A (ad)

enThe New Laird of Castle McDuck
frPicsou acculé et menacé par un homme en armure qui pointe sur lui son épée
deDagobert wird auf Balkon der Duckenburgh von Ritter bedroht
elΟ Σκρουτζ υπό την απειλή σπαθιού ετοιμάζεται να πέσει από το κάστρο του
noSkrue i rustning blir presset mot kanten av brystvern
United States, US 289
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Greece, KX 104
France, JP 0
Poland, KDS2000-01
Greece, BPS 1
Finland, DR 2007-1
Indonesia, KHPG 3
France, GEP 1
France, TP 23
France, GEP 2
United States, DRL 4
Greece, KXB 38
Greece, KXB 38
Brazil, BDR 4
Italy, DRLI 8
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