Uncle Scrooge
The Argonaut Of White Agony Creek

The King of the Klondike
Story code
D 92514
The Argonaut Of White Agony Creek
Uncle Scrooge
4 rows per page
Wyatt Earp, Casey Coot, Glittering Goldie, Soapy Slick, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Don Rosa
Art (pencil and ink)
Don Rosa
Number of parts
Date of first publication
The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck (Chapter 8)
Referred to in
cover: ARC US 292, D 11709, DC HOF 20, FC PM 467, HC DE1994-10, IC TD 9, IC ZP 77, IC ZP 77B
article: Qde/DR 0C, Qde/DRSB 1D, Qdk/DRSV 4A, Qdk/HEDL 1A, Qdk/HEDL 1I, Qfi/ALP 10B, Qfi/RS2011-02B, Qfi/T2009KKFE, Qfi/T2011PKF, Qfi/T2011PKG, Qfi/T2014KKI, Qfi/T2018JMF, Qfr/JP 1zk, Qfr/MDC 28D, Qfr/PS 8I, Qfr/SPGHS H3G, Qfr/TP 40A, Qfr/TP 40D, Qgr/KXB 43C, Qit/BURF 14c, Qit/BURF 14d, Qit/BURF 15ac, Qit/DCOLL18D, Qit/DPCS 6A, Qit/DPCS 6C, Qit/DPCS 15P, Qit/DR 1P, Qit/DR 1T, Qit/DSBP 37C, Qit/GS 10A, Qit/TD 9D, Qit/TD 9L, Qit/TD 9Q, Qit/TD 9R, Qit/TES 4D, Qit/TSI 1B, Qit/TSI 1C, Qit/TSI 1K, Qit/UACK 20C, Qit/ZPP 50D, Qnl/HLVOD 1H, Qno/DRSV 4M, Qno/DRSV 4N, Qno/HOF 1B, Qus/DRL 4D, Qus/DRL 5B, Qus/LTSMG 1K, Qus/US 292A
illustration: ARC US 292A, GC DRSBHCL1B08, GC DRSBHCL1C08, Qdk/HEDL 2G, XNC DRSV 4B
panels: Qit/DR 1L, Qit/DR 1V, Qit/DR 1W
various: Qit/DR 1O (article,panels), Qfi/LTS2014E (soundtrack), D 92514S (Kongen af Klondike) (sketches), D/D 2005-035 (Scrooge vs. Scrooge!) (some scenes reused), D 92514A (two half pages for 1-part version), Qfi/AA2022-48X (page 24 panel 7), FC PM 333D (1898 coin)

This story is rated 7.8/10 and ranked 62/44783 according to COA users. There have been about 215 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: DVr (30 mag 2010; 11 gen 2011; 5 ago 2012)

enYear 1897: Sourdough Scrooge struggles as a gold miner along the banks of the White Agony Creek. Perseverance pays off in the end, and he’s about to make his fortune—and an enemy—with the discovery of the "goose egg nugget!" He meets up with Soapy Slick, the crooked profiteer. (history)
enYear 1897, US in Klondike goldrush. Finds his own claim on the other side of a glacier, after having been insulted by Soapy, he destroys a boat(!) and brings him to the Mounties, and finds the Goose Egg Nugget
nl1898: Nog steeds zoekend voor goud, is Dagobert nu in Alaska, waar hij een lening afsluit bij Gerrit Gladsnuit. Hij vindt kleine goudkorreltjes en laat zijn claim registeren. Gerrit en zijn bende nemen hem gevangen, maar Dagobert word woedend en vernietigt een boot. Hij gaat weer terug naar zijn claim, maar of hij echt goud zal vinden? (by dvr, history)
finuori Roope-setä lainaa rahaa Petkunterältä Klondiken kultarynnäkön alla
frPicsou se rend au Canada pour chercher de l'or, et signe un emprunt avec Soapy Slick au moment où de l'or est trouvé au Klondike (by duckstories, history)
elΟ Θείος Σκρουτζ φτάνει στον Καναδά για χρυσάφι. Λίγο μετά την άφιξη του μαθαίνεται ότι βρέθηκε χρυσάφι στο Κλόνταϊκ. (by figolfin, history)
itZio Paperone arriva in Canada per trovare oro. (by figolfin, history)
United Kingdom, MF1993-30
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United Kingdom, MF1993-30
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
United Kingdom, MF1993-32 part 3
Netherlands, DE1994-10
United States, US 292
France, PM 281
Netherlands, OD 55
Spain, OLE 33
Greece, KX 107
Netherlands, OD 56 part 2
Denmark, HEDL 1
Finland, DR 1997
France, JP 0
Poland, KDS2000-01
Portugal, DE 205
Brazil, TP40R 2
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