Zio Paperone servizio catering

Story code
I TL 2401-1
Zio Paperone servizio catering
3 rows per page
Donald Duck, Fethry Duck, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Rudy Salvagnini
Art (pencil and ink)
Carlo Limido
Date of first publication

This story is rated 6.9/10 and ranked 37754/44722 according to COA users. There have been about 15 votes for this story.

enDD and FE sets table at posh party and fails at everything as usual, to the dismay of US (by Gaioa, history)
fiRoope pestaa Akun ja Touhon toimimaan potentiaalisen kauppakumppaninsa pitopalveluna.
noDen erkegretne innbilt syke millionæren Skrattvald Vomsott skal halde selskap, og ber Skrue om to drevne og billige servitørar. Skrue ser høvet til eit framtidig samarbeid, men når han finn ut kva det kostar å leie ein servitør, tyr han heller til to som ikkje kan nekte: Donald og Klodrik. (by www.andebyonline.com, history)
plMiliarder Kredyt Afera, najbardziej złośliwy i zacofany wśród bogaczy, wydaje wielkie przyjęcie. By zapewnić sobie reklamę, Sknerus postanawia zatrudnić tam swoich kelnerów. Oczywiście, pada na Donalda i Dziobasa. (by tolio, history)
Italy, TL 2401
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Italy, TL 2401
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Brazil, TP 445
Greece, NT 100
Portugal, TPS 9

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