Donald Duck
Forbidden Fruit

Bubbling Over
Story code
YD 38-03-17
Daily strips (US)
Forbidden Fruit
Donald Duck
Newspaper strip
Bolivar (1st), Donald Duck [show character portraits]
Homer Brightman
Art (pencil and ink)
Al Taliaferro
Date of first publication
Referred to in
article: Qit/DSTO 11F, Qit/TLAI 2C, Qus/CBDL 4A, Qus/CBDL 10A, Qus/FGL 1W

enDD can't get apples, BOL sits on case
fiAku päättää napata Pulivarin vartioimia omppuja maassa lojuvan laatikon avulla.
deBOL sitzt auf Kiste, in der DD eingesperrt
itBolivar salta su una cassa con dentro Paperino
United States, ZZ1938
more scans >>
United States, WDC 522
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Canada, LP 380317
Poland, GM 9
United Kingdom, DDA 2
Switzerland, PV 62-03-08
United States, WDC 522
Italy, MESS101
United States, DD 285
Germany, TGDDZ 113
France, JM 2478
Netherlands, JUB2013-1
United States, DDDN 1
Greece, KX 56
Changes: layout remounted

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