Brer Rabbit

Story code
ZB 4802
Sunday pages (US)
Brer Rabbit
Newspaper strip
Two piglets (resemble Fifer and Fiddler), Brer Fox, Brer Rabbit, Brer Terrapin, Molly Cottontail [show character portraits]
George Stallings
Art (pencil and ink)
Dick Moores
Date of first publication
End date of publication (strip)
(11 Sundays)
Referred to in
XBC MM 107A (illustration)
This story contains the following items:
  1. ZB 48-02-22 (part 1)
  2. ZB 48-02-29 (part 2)
  3. ZB 48-03-07 (part 3)
  4. ZB 48-03-14 (part 4)
  5. ZB 48-03-21 (part 5)
  6. ZB 48-03-28 (part 6)
  7. ZB 48-04-04 (part 7)
  8. ZB 48-04-11 (part 8)
  9. ZB 48-04-18 (part 9)
  10. ZB 48-04-25 (part 10)
  11. ZB 48-05-02 (part 11)

This story is rated 6.9/10 and ranked 33591/44722 according to COA users. There have been about 10 votes for this story.

engold at the rainbow's end
United States, ZZ1948
more scans >>
United States, ZZ1948
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Italy, TL 1
Norway, AL1949-19-20 part 7
Norway, AL1949-23-24 part 9
Belgium, MM 113 part 9
Argentina, GH 148
Netherlands, DD1991-44
Netherlands, DD1991-45 part 2
Indonesia, DB 580
Italy, BIG 23
Brazil, PD 49 part 2
Changes: Layout remounted
Brazil, PD 50 part 3
Changes: Layout remounted

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