Tips for searching

Character names

You can enter several names in this field, separated with commas. You can either use a complete name like "Donald Duck" (it will be matched against the list of all characters referenced in Inducks) or directly use an Inducks abbreviation for common names, like "DD" for Donald Duck. The Inducks abbreviation is based on the original name, most of the time in English.

If you want to search for nephews (and nieces etc.) it is important to specify the exact number of nephews. For instance, HDL1 means exactly one nephew, HDL means exactly 3 nephews. A complete list of such group characters is on this page.

Creator names

As for characters, you can enter several names in this field, separated with commas. You can either use a complete name like "Carl Barks" (it will be matched against the list of all creators referenced in Inducks) or directly use an Inducks abbreviation for common names, like "CB" for Carl Barks.

Publication names

In this field, you can either enter a complete name (like "Walt Disney's Comics and Stories"), or the Inducks abbreviation (like "WDC"). It is not necessary to enter an issue number in the other field.

Story Codes in Inducks

Inducks storycode (wildcard character * allowed).

Keyword search

Use e.g. fish* to match both fish and fishing. When several keywords are specified, results with the highest number of matching keywords appear first.

The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.