List of appearances with comment: Huey

List of appearance comments
Found 18 stories with appearance comment Huey.

Huey Dewey and LouieYD 50-05-16 (1950)de/L1998-05b, dk/AA1999-07b
Huey Dewey and LouieLe Castoristorik (FC PM 83B, 1979)fr/PM 83p031
Huey Dewey and LouieIoiô (B 74004, 1981)br/TP 192e, pt/PDPT 23p24
Huey Dewey and LouieCassez vos tirelires ! (FC JM 1850B, 1987)fr/ALJM 129dea, fr/DM 87-49bea, fr/JM 1850ea
Huey Dewey and LouieHuguinho Virou Gênio?! (BC AD 212B, 1989)br/AD 212ab, co/DAV 12b
The Junior Woodchucksà bon chien, bon maître (Qfr/MCJDE 3AJ, 1998)fr/MCJDE 3p072
The Junior WoodchucksLe canard canular (Qfr/MCJDE 3BG, 1998)fr/MCJDE 3p119a
The Junior WoodchucksDes ogres verts (Qfr/MCJDE 3BI, 1998)fr/MCJDE 3p120
Huey Dewey and LouieXUC DTI 2C (2017)br/DTP 1p68, de/BX 31p09b, pt/AMHD 16l, us/DTI 2Ca, us/DTITP 1l
Huey Dewey and LouieThe Nephew Zone: Babysitter-Palooza! (XPWC DT 1-04, 2017)se/KA2017X46i
The Junior WoodchucksXPWC DTT CP 2-1 (2018)br/DT2 4a, br/DTP 3p04, de/BX 33p24b, eg/MNM 733a, eg/MNV108ba, fi/AA2020-09bba, fr/SPG 205p110, fr/SPG 205p196, nl/DDPDT 3b, pt/AMHD 18p05, us/DTI 6Ba, us/DTITP 3b
Huey Dewey and LouieHorror in the Highlands! (XPW DTT CP 5-3, 2018)br/DTP 4p45, fr/BP 4p30, fr/SPG 212p123, it/PDKT 3b, nl/DDPDT 6g, nl/DTVB 2019c, us/DTI 11Ab, us/DTI 11Bbb, us/DTI 11Cbb, us/DTITP 4g
Huey Dewey and LouieSaga of the Super Intern! Part 1 (XPW DTT CP 9-3, 2019)br/DTP 7p45, it/PDKT 4i, nl/DDPDT 10g, nl/DTVB 2019ea, us/DTI 20Ab, us/DTI 20Bbb, us/DTI 20Cbb, us/DTITP 7g
Huey Dewey and LouieSaga of the Super Intern! Part 2 (XPW DTT CP 9-4, 2019)br/DTP 7p55, it/PDKT 4j, nl/DDPDT 10h, nl/DTVB 2019eb, us/DTI 20Ac, us/DTI 20Bbc, us/DTI 20Cbc, us/DTITP 7h
Huey Dewey and LouieXPWC DTT CP12-2 (2020)br/DTP 9p88, nl/DDPDT 13e, nl/DTVB 2020b, us/DTFS 2Ba
Huey Dewey and LouieQfr/PM 555B (2021)fr/PM 555p038a
Huey Dewey and LouieXPWC SRA 2-1 (2023)de/LTBYC 7p001, no/DCP2023-03b
Huey Dewey and LouieXPWC SRA 2-3 (2023)de/LTBYC 7p003, fr/SFR 3a, no/DCP2023-03d

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