References gallery: Letter To Santa

This references gallery shows images of:

1. items that W CP 1-01 refers to,
2. items referring to W CP 1-01,
3. recursively, items referring to items in 2 (limited to 10 recursions to avoid infinite loops).

Basic information on W CP 1-01
W CP 1-01 doesn't refer to any item.
W CP 1-01 is referred to by 69 items: FC JM 30A, IC BIG 2AJ, B ECD 2-I1, Xes/DB2 144, Qfi/SI1979-04F, BC TP 173A, HC BV 23, ARC CPG 2, Qus/CBL 6K, Qit/IDI 1E, Qit/IDI 1K, Qit/IDI 1M, Qno/DMOB 1F, IC ZP 39, ARC LICD 11, ARC LICD 11B, Qit/CBCA 1b, Qfr/CBD 84b, Qit/DR 1P, FC PM 311D, Qdk/GB 15, Qit/CBCA 10mc, FC PM 323D, Qit/MD 14F, Qit/PM 234c, Qit/CTS 4F, Qit/CTS 16C, D 22791, Qdk/CBSV 7D, D 22802, Qit/DT 48D, Qgr/KX 235C, Qit/DPCS 9H, Qit/DPCS 9J, Qit/DPCS 15F, Qit/DPCS 33A, Qit/DCOLL 4B, Qit/DPCS 43B, Qit/DPCS 43D, Qdk/CBSV 20E, XNC DRSV 2B, Qno/DRSV 5I, Qus/CBDL 8B, Qit/GSD 29F, Qgr/KXB 2D, Qus/FB 1A, Qdk/DDFR 24A, B DCD 6-T1, Qgr/KXB 18C, Qus/CBDL 15A, Qfi/AA2016-49A, Qit/UACK 34A, XFC AAL2019-42, Qfi/T2020TRD, Qit/TGLD 2D, Qfi/AA2021-50A, Qfr/SPGHS 7A, Qit/DSBP 21D, Qit/ZPP 56C, Qit/ATP 14E, Qus/CBDL 4A, Qit/ZPP 65B, Qit/TGLD 12C, Qit/GRMA 3E, Qit/SPD 104D, Qit/ATP 21C, Qit/ZPP 78B, Qit/DSE 52B, XFC AAX2024-12.

United States, Walt Disney's Christmas Parade (Dell) 1 (1949)

Spain, Dumbo 1ª (ERSA) 69 (1950)
Changes: redrawn/traced

Italy, Albi d'oro 50241 (1950)

France, Le Journal de Mickey 30 (1952)

Mexico, Cuentos de Walt Disney (Serie Clásica/Águila) 363 (1965)

United States, Walt Disney's Christmas Parade (Gold Key) 5 (1966)

Chile, Disneylandia 219 (1966)

Italy, Oscar Mondadori (Oscar Fumetto) 170 (1968)

Greece, Μίκυ (Μεγάλο) 29 (1970)

Italy, Cartonatoni Disney 2A (1971)

Norway, Kjempebok 01 (1974)

Denmark, Den store … 1974 (1974)
Changes: remounted

Brazil, Especial (Capa Dura) 2 (1976)
Changes: Layout remounted and 2 panels missing

Spain, Dumbo 2ª (ERSA) 144 (1976)
Changes: traced

France, Grands albums cartonnés Le Livre de Paris/Hachette 4 (1976)

Spain, Yo, Pato Donald S 2 (1977)

Italy, Super Almanacco Paperino 10 (1979)

Netherlands, Donald Duck 1979-49 (1979)

Netherlands, Donald Duck 1979-50 (1979)

Netherlands, De beste verhalen van Donald Duck 23 (1981)

Chile, Historietas Disney 48 (1983)

Greece, Μίκυ (Μεγάλο) 197 (1984)

Italy, Club Giovani 12 (1984)

Greece, Τρόμος στο Κολέγιο Νο2 1 (1987)
Changes: Just panels 9.5 and 9.6

Italy, Zio Paperone 39 (1992)

Germany, Barks Library Special Donald Duck 11 (1996)

Russia, Микки Маус 1999-06 (1999)
Changes: 5th page only

United States, Walt Disney's Christmas Parade (Gemstone) 1 (2003)

Finland, Carl Barksin joulu 1 (2008)

Italy, La grande dinastia dei paperi (Corriere della Sera) 43 (2008)

France, Picsou Magazine 455 (2009)

France, Mes plus belles histoires 1 (2010)

Brazil, Natal de Ouro Disney 1 (2010)

Germany, Die schönsten Weihnachtsgeschichten von Walt Disney 1 (2012)

Netherlands, Een vrolijke kerst met Donald Duck 2012 (2012)

Denmark, Anders And & Co. 2012B48 (2012)

Norway, Donald Duck & Co 2012B51-52 (2012)
Changes: Page 1 used as the cover, speech balloons removed with new art behind

United States, The Complete Carl Barks Disney Library (Fantagraphics) 8 (2014)

France, Les trésors de Donald 3 (2015)

Greece, Κόμιξ (Περίοδος Β') 18 (2015)

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney 43 (2016)

France, La dynastie Donald Duck - Intégrale Carl Barks 24 (2017)

Italy, Uack! 34 (2017)

Norway, Donald Duck & Co 2017B51 (2017)
Changes: Page 1 used as the cover, speech balloons removed with new art behind

Spain, La Gran Dinastía del Pato Donald 11 (2018)

United States, Uncle Scrooge: The Diamond Jubilee Collection 1 (2022)

Items referring to W CP 1-01
FC JM 30A (gallery) header
No image available
IC BIG 2AJ (Paperino e la scavatrice) (gallery) illustration

Italy, Cartonatoni Disney 2A (1971)

Finland, Jättikirjat 1972 (1972)

Italy, Club Giovani 12 (1984)

Germany, Disney Comic Bücher 2 (1985)
B ECD 2-I1 (Carta Ao Papai Noel) (gallery) intro

Brazil, Especial (Capa Dura) 2 (1976)
Xes/DB2 144 (Almanaque 1977) (gallery) cover

Spain, Dumbo 2ª (ERSA) 144 (1976)
Qfi/SI1979-04F (Carl Barks - tuotanto Suomessa) (gallery) article
No image available
Items referring to Qfi/SI1979-04F
Qfi/DAM2007Q (Sarjakuvaseura syntyy) (gallery) article
    No image available
BC TP 173A (Carta Ao Papai Noel) (gallery) cover
No image available
HC BV 23 (gallery) cover

Netherlands, De beste verhalen van Donald Duck 23 (1981)

United States, Uncle Scrooge: The Diamond Jubilee Collection 1 (2022)
ARC CPG 2 (gallery) cover

United States, Walt Disney's Christmas Parade (Gladstone) 2 (1989)

Finland, Aku Ankka 1990B52 (1990)

Netherlands, Donald Duck Winterboek 1991 (1991)

Italy, La grande dinastia dei paperi (Corriere della Sera) 39 (2008)

Norway, Donald Duck & Co julehefte 2014 (2014)

Sweden, Kalle Anka & C:o skollov 2015-02 (2015)

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney 39 (2016)

Denmark, Anders And Classic 2016-12 (2016)
Qus/CBL 6K (Clash of the Titans) (gallery) article
No image available
Qit/IDI 1E (Guido Martina: Walt Disney e il Professore) (gallery) article

Italy, I Disney italiani 1 (1990)
Qit/IDI 1K (La Scuola si rafforza) (gallery) article

Italy, I Disney italiani 1 (1990)
Qit/IDI 1M (Massimo De Vita e il fantasy made in Italy) (gallery) article

Italy, I Disney italiani 1 (1990)
Qno/DMOB 1F (Skrues biler) (gallery) panel
No image available
IC ZP 39 (gallery) cover

Italy, Zio Paperone 39 (1992)

United States, Uncle Scrooge: The Diamond Jubilee Collection 1 (2022)
ARC LICD 11 (gallery) cover

United States, The Carl Barks Library of Donald Duck Adventures in Color 11 (1994)

Germany, Barks Library Special Donald Duck 11 (1996)

Germany, Entenhausen-Edition Donald von Carl Barks 62 (2020)
Items referring to ARC LICD 11
XFC AAX2024-12 (gallery) same idea but not redrawn

Finland, Aku Ankka Ekstra / Aku Ankka Klassikko 2024-12 (2024)
ARC LICD 11B (gallery) cover

Germany, Barks Library Special Donald Duck 11 (1996)
Qit/CBCA 1b (L'evoluzione della specie) (gallery) article

Italy, Carl Barks Comic Art 1 (1996)
Qfr/CBD 84b (Les cinquante ans de Picsou) (gallery) article
No image available
Qit/DR 1P (Paperon de' Paperoni, imprenditore schumpeteriano) (gallery) article
No image available
FC PM 311D (gallery) illustration

France, Picsou Magazine 311 (1997)

Netherlands, Oom Dagobert 65 (2001)

Finland, Roope-setä 2001-04 (2001)

Sweden, NAFS(k)uriren 36 (2005)

Bulgaria, Мики Маус 2007-53 (2007)

France, Les trésors de Picsou 20 (2012)

Netherlands, Donald Duck 2017X52 (2017)

United States, Don Rosa Library 8 (2018)

Italy, The Don Rosa library - Zio Paperone & Paperino 15 (2019)

United States, The Complete Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck 2 (2019)

Brazil, Biblioteca Don Rosa (Panini) 8 (2020)
Items referring to FC PM 311D
Qno/DRSV 6V (gallery) article
    No image available
Qus/DRL 8D (My French Connection (Pin-Up Posters, 1997-2000)) (gallery) article

United States, Don Rosa Library 8 (2018)

Italy, The Don Rosa library - Zio Paperone & Paperino 15 (2019)

Italy, The Don Rosa library - Zio Paperone & Paperino 16 (2019)

Brazil, Biblioteca Don Rosa (Panini) 8 (2020)
Qdk/GB 15 (Carl Barks – Den gode tegner) (gallery) article

Sweden, Kalle Anka Guldbok 15 (1998)
Qit/CBCA 10mc (Introduzione a "Paperino e la scavatrice") (gallery) article
No image available
FC PM 323D (gallery) illustration

France, Picsou Magazine 323 (1998)

France, Picsou Magazine 455 (2009)

Greece, Ημερολόγιο 3 (2017)

United States, Don Rosa Library 8 (2018)

Italy, The Don Rosa library - Zio Paperone & Paperino 16 (2019)

Brazil, Biblioteca Don Rosa (Panini) 8 (2020)

United States, Uncle Scrooge: The Diamond Jubilee Collection 1 (2022)
Items referring to FC PM 323D
Xgr/HBPS 3B (Disney 2017) (gallery) image

Greece, Ημερολόγιο 3 (2017)
Qit/MD 14F (Il generoso zio Paperone) (gallery) article

Italy, I Maestri Disney 14 (1999)
Qit/PM 234c (Festa assicurata!) (gallery) article
No image available
Qit/CTS 4F (Zio Paperone, avaro scialacquone) (gallery) article

Italy, Topolino Story (Corriere della Sera) 4 (2005)
Qit/CTS 16C (Miseria e povertà di Zio Paperone) (gallery) article

Italy, Topolino Story (Corriere della Sera) 16 (2005)
D 22791 (Early Versions of Scrooge McDuck) (gallery) illustration

Germany, Die tollsten Geschichten von Donald Duck (Sonderheft) 236 (2007)

Norway, Donald Duck & Co 2007-01 (2007)

Finland, Aku Ankka 2007-04 (2007)

Finland, Vuosikalenterit 2008 (2007)

United States, Uncle Scrooge 372 (2007)

France, Picsou Magazine 431 (2007)

Bulgaria, Мики Маус 2007-53 (2007)

Sweden, Kalle Anka & C:o's Väggalmanacka 2008 (2007)

Iceland, Jóakim aðalönd: Ævi & störf 2010-2 (2010)
Changes: Background removed

Indonesia, Komik Terbaik Disney 1 (2010)

Greece, Ημερολόγιο 1 (2015)

Greece, Ημερολόγιο 1 (2015)

Greece, Κόμιξ (Περίοδος Β') 7 (2015)

France, La Grande épopée de Picsou - Intégrale Don Rosa 7 (2016)

United States, Don Rosa Library 10 (2018)

Italy, The Don Rosa library - Zio Paperone & Paperino 19 (2019)
Changes: Only US, background wiped

Italy, Disney Special Events 11 (2019)
Changes: Only US face

Italy, Disney Special Events 11B (2019)
Changes: Only US

China, 米老鼠 2021-04 (2021)
Changes: all background figures removed
Items referring to D 22791
Qno/DD2007-01 (Tema: Verdens mest populære gjerrigknark) (gallery) article

Norway, Donald Duck & Co 2007-01 (2007)
Qfi/AA2007-04A (Roope-setä kautta aikain 1: Roopen varhaisvaiheet) (gallery) article

Finland, Aku Ankka 2007-04 (2007)
Qus/US 372B (The Scrooge McDuck Birthday Pin-Up Series) (gallery) article

United States, Uncle Scrooge 372 (2007)
Qde/TGDD 247A (Anmerkungen zur Poster-Serie) (gallery) article

Germany, Die tollsten Geschichten von Donald Duck (Sonderheft) 247 (2007)
Xgr/HBPS 1B (Ημερολόγιο 2015 - Ο βίος & η πολιτεία του Σκρουτζ Μακ Ντακ) (gallery) image

Greece, Ημερολόγιο 1 (2015)
Qus/DRL 10F (The Birthday Pin-Up Series) (gallery) article

United States, Don Rosa Library 10 (2018)

Italy, The Don Rosa library - Zio Paperone & Paperino 19 (2019)
Qdk/CBSV 7D (Julemandssyndromet) (gallery) article
No image available
D 22802 (Sixty-One Christmases with Uncle Scrooge) (gallery) illustration

Finland, Vuosikalenterit 2008 (2007)

France, Picsou Magazine 431 (2007)

Germany, Die tollsten Geschichten von Donald Duck (Sonderheft) 247 (2007)

France, Le Journal de Mickey 2894 (2007)

Bulgaria, Мики Маус 2007-53 (2007)

United States, Uncle Scrooge 383 (2008)

China, 米老鼠特刊 2014-12 (2014)
Changes: original background removed and filled up with several comic strips

Greece, Ημερολόγιο 1 (2015)

France, Les trésors de Donald 3 (2015)

France, La Grande épopée de Picsou - Intégrale Don Rosa 7 (2016)

United States, Don Rosa Library 10 (2018)
Items referring to D 22802
Qfi/AA2007-51A (Roope-setä kautta aikain 12) (gallery) article
    No image available
Qno/DD2007-49 (Skrue 60 år!) (gallery) article
    No image available
Qde/TGDD 247A (Anmerkungen zur Poster-Serie) (gallery) article

Germany, Die tollsten Geschichten von Donald Duck (Sonderheft) 247 (2007)
Items referring to Qde/TGDD 247A
Xgr/HBPS 1B (Ημερολόγιο 2015 - Ο βίος & η πολιτεία του Σκρουτζ Μακ Ντακ) (gallery) image

Greece, Ημερολόγιο 1 (2015)
Items referring to Xgr/HBPS 1B
Qit/UACK 17C (Un ipnotico natale) (gallery) article

Italy, Uack! 17 (2015)
Qus/DRL 10F (The Birthday Pin-Up Series) (gallery) article

United States, Don Rosa Library 10 (2018)

Italy, The Don Rosa library - Zio Paperone & Paperino 19 (2019)
Items referring to Qus/DRL 10F
Qit/DT 48D (Paperi, lettere e scavatrici) (gallery) article
No image available
Qgr/KX 235C (Από τα Κόμικς στα Καρτούν) (gallery) page 8 2nd half,page 9 1st half

Greece, Κόμιξ 235 (2008)
Qit/DPCS 9H (La storia: Paperino e il natale sottomarino) (gallery) article

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη του Καρλ Μπαρκς 9 (2011)

France, La dynastie Donald Duck - Intégrale Carl Barks 5 (2011)

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney 9 (2014)
Qit/DPCS 9J (La storia: Paperino postino polare) (gallery) article

Italy, La grande dinastia dei paperi (Corriere della Sera) 9 (2008)

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη του Καρλ Μπαρκς 9 (2011)

France, La dynastie Donald Duck - Intégrale Carl Barks 5 (2011)

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney 9 (2014)
Qit/DPCS 15F (La storia: Paperino e il codice di Paperopoli) (gallery) article

Italy, La grande dinastia dei paperi (Corriere della Sera) 15 (2008)

France, La dynastie Donald Duck - Intégrale Carl Barks 8 (2012)

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη του Καρλ Μπαρκς 15 (2013)

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney 15 (2014)
Qit/DPCS 33A (La prima del più grande) (gallery) article

Italy, La grande dinastia dei paperi (Corriere della Sera) 33 (2008)

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney 33 (2016)

Spain, La Gran Dinastía del Pato Donald 1 (2018)
Qit/DCOLL 4B (Il più ricco del mondo) (gallery) article
No image available
Qit/DPCS 43B (La scavatrice italiana) (gallery) article

Italy, La grande dinastia dei paperi (Corriere della Sera) 43 (2008)

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney 43 (2016)
Qit/DPCS 43D (La storia: Paperino e la scavatrice) (gallery) article

Italy, La grande dinastia dei paperi (Corriere della Sera) 43 (2008)

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney 43 (2016)

France, La dynastie Donald Duck - Intégrale Carl Barks 24 (2017)
Qdk/CBSV 20E (Mekanisk krigsførelse) (gallery) article
No image available
XNC DRSV 2B (gallery) illustration

Finland, Don Rosan kootut 2 (2011)
Qno/DRSV 5I ((title)) (gallery) article
No image available
Qus/CBDL 8B (Story Notes) (gallery) article

United States, The Complete Carl Barks Disney Library (Fantagraphics) 8 (2014)
Qit/GSD 29F (Zio Paperone e il dono prestigioso) (gallery) article

Italy, Le grandi storie Disney - L'opera omnia di Romano Scarpa 29 (2014)
Qgr/KXB 2D (Η αναζήτηση της νιότης) (gallery) article

Greece, Κόμιξ (Περίοδος Β') 2 (2014)
Qus/FB 1A (gallery) article
No image available
Qdk/DDFR 24A (gallery) christmas ball

Denmark, Rappet 24 (2015)
B DCD 6-T1 (Papai Noel Bom Velhinho Não É?) (gallery) panel

Brazil, Disney de Luxo 6 (2015)
Qgr/KXB 18C (Επεισοδιακά Χριστούγεννα) (gallery) article

Greece, Κόμιξ (Περίοδος Β') 18 (2015)
Qus/CBDL 15A (Story notes) (gallery) article

United States, The Complete Carl Barks Disney Library (Fantagraphics) 15 (2016)
Qfi/AA2016-49A (Aku Ankka Lataamo Lukuvinkki) (gallery) short mention
No image available
Qit/UACK 34A (Buon compleanno, Zio Paperone!) (gallery) article

Italy, Uack! 34 (2017)
XFC AAL2019-42 (gallery) cover

Finland, Aku Ankka (digipalvelu) 2019-42 (2019)
Qfi/T2020TRD (Missä Ankkalinna on?) (gallery) article
No image available
Qit/TGLD 2D (Omaggi, richiami, reminiscenze) (gallery) single panel
No image available
Qfi/AA2021-50A (Jouluinen kaksintaistelu! (Tyhjälän joulu, Kirje joulupukille)) (gallery) reminder
No image available
Qfr/SPGHS 7A (La lettre du père Noël) (gallery) article

France, Super Picsou Géant Hors-série 7 (2022)
Qit/DSBP 21D ((Zio Paperone e la scavatrice)) (gallery) intro, single panels as illustrations
No image available
Qit/ZPP 56C (Paperopoli, una città a misura di monumento) (gallery) article
No image available
Qit/ATP 14E (Classici Made in USA: Lo stile Disney di Bill Wright) (gallery) article

Italy, Almanacco Topolino Panini 14 (2023)
Qus/CBDL 4A (Story Notes) (gallery) article

United States, The Complete Carl Barks Disney Library (Fantagraphics) 4 (2023)
Qit/ZPP 65B (Zio Paperone e le magie natalizie) (gallery) article, image

Italy, Zio Paperone (Panini) 65 (2023)
Qit/TGLD 12C (Intervista a Giuseppe Zironi e Pietro Zemelo) (gallery) article
No image available
Qit/GRMA 3E (L'avventuroso magnate) (gallery) article
No image available
Qit/SPD 104D (Spazi aperti e paperi eroici) (gallery) article

Italy, Speciale Disney 104 (2024)
Qit/ATP 21C (Tesori perduti nel tempo) (gallery) article,image

Italy, Almanacco Topolino Panini 21 (2024)
Qit/ZPP 78B (Un solo club, tanti grattacapi) (gallery) article
No image available
Qit/DSE 52B (Tutti più buoni (e pazienti!)) (gallery) article
No image available
XFC AAX2024-12 (gallery) from the first panel

Finland, Aku Ankka Ekstra / Aku Ankka Klassikko 2024-12 (2024)
Items referring to XFC AAX2024-12

The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.