References gallery: Micro-Ducks from Outer Space

This references gallery shows images of:

1. items that W US 65-01 refers to,
2. items referring to W US 65-01,
3. recursively, items referring to items in 2 (limited to 10 recursions to avoid infinite loops).

Basic information on W US 65-01
W US 65-01 doesn't refer to any item.
W US 65-01 is referred to by 45 items: W US 65-00, D 3829, Qfi/T1980DML, Qus/USCA 1TA, Qus/USCA 1UA, FC JM 1690C, CR US 65a, CR US 65b, CR US 65c, CR US 65d, Xpt/HD 1-07, ARC US 300A, Qno/DD1997B02, Qit/DR 1D, ARC LICU 53, Qfi/ALP 4J, Qdk/RACK 3A, Qit/GSI 2A, Qfr/9EA 9p22, Qfr/9EA 9p19, Qfi/ANTE 3E, Qit/CTS 19J, Qit/CTS 27G, D 22793, Qgr/KX 228C, Qdk/CBSV 28D, Qit/DPCS 31F, Qit/TSD 1C, Qfi/ALP 22F, Qit/DCOLL45B, Qde/RFENT 1A, Qgr/KX 284D, Qde/BXS 3B, Qde/BXS 3C, Qit/PAP 8AT, Qit/PAP 8BK, HC DUP 50, Qit/UACK 22C, Qit/TSI 11B, Qfi/T2018TRO, XFC AA2020-52-53B, Qus/CBDL 24A, Qus/CBDL 27B, Qit/DCLA 16J, Qit/ZPP 64B.

United States, Uncle Scrooge 65 (1966)

Italy, Topolino (libretto) 585 (1967)

Germany, Micky Maus 1968-17 (1968)

Mexico, Cuentos de Walt Disney (Serie Clásica/Águila) 429 (1968)

France, Le Journal de Mickey 848 (1968)

Greece, Μίκυ (Μεγάλο) 22 (1969)

Spain, Dumbo 2ª (ERSA) 58 (1969)

Chile, Tío Rico 96 (1970)

Netherlands, Donald Duck en andere verhalen 17 (1971)

Italy, I Classici di Walt Disney (prima serie) 52 (1973)

France, Mickey Parade (ancienne série) 1121 (1973)

Germany, Lustiges Taschenbuch 30 (1974)

United States, Uncle Scrooge 130 (1976)

Greece, Μίκυ (Μεγάλο) 139 (1979)

United States, Walt Disney's Uncle $crooge McDuck: His Life and Times by Carl Barks 1 (1981)

France, Le Journal de Mickey 1690 (1984)

Brazil, Disney Especial (1ª Série) 88 (1985)

Brazil, Disney Especial Reedição 40 (1987)

Netherlands, De beste verhalen van Donald Duck 59 (1989)

United States, Uncle Scrooge Adventures 15 (1989)

Italy, Zio Paperone 30 (1992)

United States, Walt Disney Giant 7 (1996)

Brazil, Coleção Disney Série Espaçonaves 3 (1998)

Greece, Κόμιξ 128 (1999)

Italy, Paperino Mese 270 (2002)

Poland, Kaczor Donald - Wydanie specjalne 2005-04 (2005)

France, Picsou Magazine 414 (2006)

France, Les trésors de Picsou 18 (2012)

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney 31 (2015)

Italy, Uack! 22 (2016)

Italy, Tesori Disney International 11 (2017)

Sweden, Kalle Anka & C:o 2019-15-16 (2019)

Items referring to W US 65-01
W US 65-00 (Micro-Ducks from Outer Space!) (gallery) cover

Australia, Giant (G Series) 399 (1966)

United States, Uncle Scrooge 65 (1966)

Brazil, Tio Patinhas (Abril) 17 (1966)
Changes: Re-inked

Italy, Topolino (libretto) 585 (1967)

Yugoslavia, Miki 18 (1967)

Egypt, ميكي (Mickey - Dar Al-Hilal) 313 (1967)

Sweden, Kalle Anka & C:o 1968-11 (1968)

Denmark, Anders And & Co. 1968-12 (1968)

Norway, Donald Duck & Co 1968-12 (1968)

Germany, Micky Maus 1968-17 (1968)

Mexico, Cuentos de Walt Disney (Serie Clásica/Águila) 429 (1968)

Finland, Aku Ankka 1969-12 (1969)

Spain, Dumbo 2ª (ERSA) 58 (1969)

Chile, Tío Rico 96 (1970)

United States, Uncle Scrooge 130 (1976)

Finland, Aku Ankka 1989-22 (1989)

United States, Uncle Scrooge Adventures 15 (1989)

Italy, Zio Paperone 30 (1992)

United States, Walt Disney Giant 7 (1996)

Greece, Κόμιξ 128 (1999)

Finland, Aku Ankka - Näköispainos 1969-1 (2011)

Norway, Donald Duck & Co - De komplette årgangene 93 (2012)

France, Les trésors de Picsou 18 (2012)

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney 31 (2015)

Italy, Uack! 22 (2016)

Italy, Tesori Disney International 11 (2017)

Finland, Aku Ankka Ekstra / Aku Ankka Klassikko 2023-04 (2023)
Items referring to W US 65-00
Qfi/RS1998-07B (Carl Barks Keräilykansi 7) (gallery) article
    No image available
Qit/CTS 19J (Un anno in prima pagina) (gallery) article

Italy, Topolino Story (Corriere della Sera) 19 (2005)
Qdk/CBSV 28C (Styring i det små) (gallery) article
    No image available
Qit/DPCS 31F (La storia: Zio Paperone e il bilione in fumo) (gallery) article

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney 31 (2015)
D 3829 (The Return of the Micro-Ducks from Outer Space) (gallery) sequel

Brazil, Tio Patinhas (Abril) 249 (1986)
Changes: Layout remounted

Italy, Mega 352 (1986)

France, Le Journal de Mickey 1825 (1987)

Chile, Tío Rico (2ª serie) 131 (1988)

United States, Walt Disney Giant 7 (1996)

Greece, Κόμιξ 128 (1999)

Poland, Kaczogród 3 (2004)

Denmark, Hall of Fame 4 (2005)

France, Les trésors de Picsou 18 (2012)

Sweden, Kalle Anka & C:o 2019-19 (2019)
Items referring to D 3829
Qit/DR 1D (Storia e gloria di una fantastica dinastia - Da Gottfredson a Barks) (gallery) article
    No image available
Qfi/ALP 7B (Vicar) (gallery) article
    No image available
Qse/HOF 4C (Arvet från Barks) (gallery) article

Sweden, Hall of Fame: De stora serieskaparna 4 (2004)

Poland, Kaczogród 3 (2004)

Denmark, Hall of Fame 4 (2005)
Qfi/ANTE 3C (Se tuttu ankkamestari) (gallery) article
    No image available
Qfi/ANTE 3E (Kertojana Carl Barks) (gallery) article
    No image available
Qit/DPCS 31F (La storia: Zio Paperone e il bilione in fumo) (gallery) article

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney 31 (2015)
Items referring to Qit/DPCS 31F
Qgr/KXB 4E (Βίκτορ Αρριαγάδα Ρίος) (gallery) article

Greece, Κόμιξ (Περίοδος Β') 4 (2014)
Qit/UACK 22C (Piccoli paperi da un altro mondo) (gallery) article

Italy, Uack! 22 (2016)
XFC AVPA2023A (gallery) cover

Finland, Avaruusankkojen paluu 2023 (2023)
Qfi/T1980DML (Luku 6: Kuolleiden kuvapatsaiden aika) (gallery) article
No image available
Qus/USCA 1TA (gallery) article

United States, Walt Disney's Uncle $crooge McDuck: His Life and Times by Carl Barks 2 (1987)
Qus/USCA 1UA (gallery) article

United States, Walt Disney's Uncle $crooge McDuck: His Life and Times by Carl Barks 2 (1987)
FC JM 1690C (gallery) header

France, Le Journal de Mickey 1690 (1984)
CR US 65a (gallery) unused cover sketch

Finland, Roope-setä 1998-07 (1998)
Items referring to CR US 65a
Qdk/CBSV 28C (Styring i det små) (gallery) article
    No image available
Items referring to Qdk/CBSV 28C
CR US 65b (gallery) unused cover sketch

Finland, Roope-setä 1998-07 (1998)
Items referring to CR US 65b
Qdk/CBSV 28C (Styring i det små) (gallery) article
    No image available
Items referring to Qdk/CBSV 28C
CR US 65c (gallery) unused cover sketch

Finland, Roope-setä 1998-07 (1998)
Items referring to CR US 65c
Qdk/CBSV 28C (Styring i det små) (gallery) article
    No image available
Items referring to Qdk/CBSV 28C
CR US 65d (gallery) unused cover sketch

Finland, Roope-setä 1998-07 (1998)
Items referring to CR US 65d
Qdk/CBSV 28C (Styring i det små) (gallery) article
    No image available
Items referring to Qdk/CBSV 28C
Xpt/HD 1-07 (gallery) panel

Portugal, Hiper Disney 1-07 (1989)
ARC US 300A (gallery) illustration

United States, Uncle Scrooge 300 (1996)
Changes: many background characters removed

United States, Uncle Scrooge 300 (1996)

France, Picsou Magazine 300 (1997)

Greece, Κόμιξ 108 (1997)

Poland, Kaczor Donald 1997X18 (1997)

Netherlands, Oom Dagobert 57 (1997)

Finland, Aku Ankka 1997-45 (1997)

Denmark, Joakim von And – Her er dit liv 1 (1997)

Brazil, 40 Anos da Revista Tio Patinhas 1 (2003)

Greece, Τα Χαμένα Επεισόδια 1 (2006)
Changes: Only US appears. Without background

Finland, Don Rosan parhaita 2007-1 (2007)

Finland, Don Rosan parhaita 2007-2 (2007)

Germany, Disneys Hall of Fame 16 (2009)

France, Les trésors de Picsou 11 (2010)
Changes: all background characters removed

France, Les trésors de Picsou 12 (2010)
Changes: all background characters removed

France, Les trésors de Picsou 13 (2011)
Changes: all background characters removed

France, Les trésors de Picsou 14 (2011)
Changes: all background characters removed

France, Les trésors de Picsou 15 (2011)
Changes: all background characters removed

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη του Καρλ Μπαρκς 9 (2011)

France, Les trésors de Picsou 17 (2012)
Changes: all background characters removed

France, Les trésors de Picsou 18 (2012)
Changes: all background characters removed

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη του Καρλ Μπαρκς 11 (2012)
Changes: Only Gu the abominable snowman

France, Les trésors de Picsou 19 (2012)
Changes: all background characters removed

France, Les trésors de Picsou 19 (2012)
Changes: all background characters removed

France, Les trésors de Picsou 20 (2012)
Changes: all background characters removed

France, La Grande épopée de Picsou - Intégrale Don Rosa T 1-7 (2012)
Changes: US only

France, Les trésors de Picsou 22 (2013)
Changes: all background characters removed

France, Les trésors de Picsou 23 (2013)
Changes: all background characters removed

France, Les trésors de Picsou 24 (2013)
Changes: all background characters removed

France, Les trésors de Picsou 25 (2013)
Changes: all background characters removed

France, Les trésors de Picsou 25 (2013)

France, Les trésors de Picsou 26 (2014)
Changes: all background characters removed

France, La Grande épopée de Picsou - Intégrale Don Rosa X 1 (2014)
Changes: US only

France, Les trésors de Picsou 29 (2014)
Changes: all background characters removed

France, Les trésors de Picsou 32 (2015)
Changes: all background characters removed

France, Les trésors de Picsou 33 (2015)
Changes: all background characters removed

France, Les trésors de Picsou 36 (2016)
Changes: all background characters removed

United States, Don Rosa Library 7 (2017)

Poland, Życie i Czasy Sknerusa McKwacza 1 (2017)
Changes: background removed

Italy, The Don Rosa library - Zio Paperone & Paperino 13 (2018)
Changes: detail, background removed

Italy, The Don Rosa library - Zio Paperone & Paperino 14 (2018)

Brazil, Biblioteca Don Rosa (Panini) 7 (2020)

France, Les trésors de Picsou 60 (2022)

Finland, Aku Ankka 2022X43 (2022)
Items referring to ARC US 300A
ARC LTSMG 2 (gallery) Scrooge

United States, The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck (Gemstone) 2 (2006)

Finland, Don Rosan parhaita 2007-2 (2007)

Germany, Onkel Dagobert - Sein Leben, seine Milliarden - Die Biografie von Don Rosa 1 (2008)

Indonesia, Donal Bebek 1460 (2009)

United States, The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck (Boom) 3 (2010)

Poland, Komiksy z Kaczogrodu 2010-02 (2010)

United States, BOOM! BLAST 1 (2011)

Netherlands, Het levensverhaal / De reisavonturen van Dagobert Duck 2 (2013)

Netherlands, Het levensverhaal / De reisavonturen van Dagobert Duck 2 (2013)
Changes: US only

China, 史高治的光辉岁月 The Life and Times of $CROOGE McDUCK 2 (2016)

Greece, Κόμιξ (Περίοδος Β') 32 (2017)

Greece, Κόμιξ (Περίοδος Β') 32 (2017)

United States, The Complete Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck 2 (2019)
Changes: No background

Italy, Disney Special Books Panini 36 (2023)
Changes: different eyes, bottom right coin without DR' face
Items referring to ARC LTSMG 2
BC STP 3 (A Saga do Tio Patinhas Volume 3) (gallery) remake

Brazil, A Saga do Tio Patinhas 3 (2007)

Brazil, Disney de Luxo 4 (2015)
Changes: New background

Brazil, Disney de Luxo 4 (2015)
Changes: Only US
Qgr/KXB 31A (Περιεχόμενα) (gallery) image

Greece, Κόμιξ (Περίοδος Β') 31 (2017)
Qdk/DDFR 9J (gallery) unknown

Denmark, Rappet 9 (2006)
Qit/DPCS 9N (La storia: Zio Paperone e il ratto del ratto) (gallery) article

Italy, La grande dinastia dei paperi (Corriere della Sera) 9 (2008)

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη του Καρλ Μπαρκς 9 (2011)

France, La dynastie Donald Duck - Intégrale Carl Barks 5 (2011)

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney 9 (2014)
Qit/DPCS 17E (Le storie: Zio Paperone e il favoloso magnate/Zio Paperone - Attento al malloppo!) (gallery) article

Italy, La grande dinastia dei paperi (Corriere della Sera) 17 (2008)

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney 17 (2015)

Spain, La Gran Dinastía del Pato Donald 28 (2018)
Qno/DRSV 6T (gallery) article
    No image available
Qus/DRL 7C (This Should Cover It All! (Additional Covers and Posters, 1996-1997)) (gallery) article

United States, Don Rosa Library 7 (2017)

Italy, The Don Rosa library - Zio Paperone & Paperino 14 (2018)

Brazil, Biblioteca Don Rosa (Panini) 7 (2020)
Qfi/AAL2023-24E68 (gallery) same idea
    No image available
Qno/DD1997B02 (Visste du at... Dolly har hatt mange rivalinner?) (gallery) article

Norway, Donald Duck & Co 1997B02 (1997)
Qit/DR 1D (Storia e gloria di una fantastica dinastia - Da Gottfredson a Barks) (gallery) article
No image available
Items referring to Qit/DR 1D
ARC LICU 53 (gallery) cover

United States, The Adventures of Uncle Scrooge McDuck in Color 53 (1998)

Germany, Barks Library Special Onkel Dagobert 35 (2003)
Qfi/ALP 4J (Bombastium-aamiainen avaruusankkojen kanssa Atlantiksessa) (gallery) article
No image available
Qdk/RACK 3A (gallery) cover

Denmark, Rackham 3 (2001)
Qit/GSI 2A (Paperino e Reginella) (gallery) article
No image available
Qfr/9EA 9p22 (L'horloger du merveilleux : Carl Barks et le fantasique) (gallery) article
No image available
Qfr/9EA 9p19 (Donald fait le tour du monde) (gallery) article
No image available
Qfi/ANTE 3E (Kertojana Carl Barks) (gallery) article
No image available
Items referring to Qfi/ANTE 3E
Qit/CTS 19J (Un anno in prima pagina) (gallery) article

Italy, Topolino Story (Corriere della Sera) 19 (2005)
Items referring to Qit/CTS 19J
Qit/CTS 27G (Un cavallo da re per Paperino) (gallery) article

Italy, Topolino Story (Corriere della Sera) 27 (2005)
D 22793 (Scrooge McDuck and Strange Beings) (gallery) illustration

Norway, Donald Duck & Co 2007-09 (2007)

Sweden, Kalle Anka & C:o 2007X09 (2007)

Germany, Die tollsten Geschichten von Donald Duck (Sonderheft) 238 (2007)

Finland, Aku Ankka 2007-12 (2007)

Finland, Vuosikalenterit 2008 (2007)

France, Picsou Magazine 431 (2007)

Bulgaria, Мики Маус 2007-53 (2007)

United States, Uncle Scrooge 374 (2008)

Greece, Ημερολόγιο 1 (2015)

Germany, Enten, Tiere, Sensationen 1 (2017)
Changes: Faceless Person from "W US 48-01" removed, replaced by a Space Monster from "D 96203"

United States, Don Rosa Library 10 (2018)
Items referring to D 22793
Qno/DD2007-09 (Tema: Skrue - erobreren!) (gallery) article

Norway, Donald Duck & Co 2007-09 (2007)
Qfi/AA2007-12A (Roope-setä kautta aikain 3) (gallery) article

Finland, Aku Ankka 2007-12 (2007)
Qde/TGDD 247A (Anmerkungen zur Poster-Serie) (gallery) article

Germany, Die tollsten Geschichten von Donald Duck (Sonderheft) 247 (2007)
Xgr/HBPS 1B (Ημερολόγιο 2015 - Ο βίος & η πολιτεία του Σκρουτζ Μακ Ντακ) (gallery) image

Greece, Ημερολόγιο 1 (2015)
Qus/DRL 10F (The Birthday Pin-Up Series) (gallery) article

United States, Don Rosa Library 10 (2018)

Italy, The Don Rosa library - Zio Paperone & Paperino 19 (2019)
Qgr/KX 228C (Παπιά στο Διάστημα) (gallery) article

Greece, Κόμιξ 228 (2007)
Qdk/CBSV 28D (De små grønne mikroænders afstamning) (gallery) article
No image available
Qit/DPCS 31F (La storia: Zio Paperone e il bilione in fumo) (gallery) article

Greece, Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney 31 (2015)
Items referring to Qit/DPCS 31F
Qit/TSD 1C (La papera e il pescatore) (gallery) article

Italy, Tesori Disney 1 (2009)
Qfi/ALP 22F (Barksin kierot konnat, osa 1: Petkunterä - mies vailla omatuntoa) (gallery) article
No image available
Qit/DCOLL45B (Dall'oceano alle stelle) (gallery) article
No image available
Qde/RFENT 1A (Reisender, kommst du nach Entenhausen ...) (gallery) article
No image available
Qgr/KX 284D (Αισθηματικό χιούμορ) (gallery) article

Greece, Κόμιξ 284 (2012)
Qde/BXS 3B (Carl Barks' Vorlagen) (gallery) article
No image available
Qde/BXS 3C (Die Folgen: Staffel 1) (gallery) article
No image available
Qit/PAP 8AT (L'Uomo dei Paperi dalla maturità alla pensione) (gallery) article

Italy, La Biblioteca del Papersera 8 (2013)
Qit/PAP 8BK (Paperino & Reginella: la storia d'Amore per eccellenza sulle pagine di Topolino) (gallery) article

Italy, La Biblioteca del Papersera 8 (2013)
HC DUP 50 (gallery) cover

Netherlands, Dubbelpocket Donald Duck 50 (2013)
Qit/UACK 22C (Piccoli paperi da un altro mondo) (gallery) article

Italy, Uack! 22 (2016)
Items referring to Qit/UACK 22C
Qit/TSI 11B (Quanto Barks c’è in Ducktales?) (gallery) article

Italy, Tesori Disney International 11 (2017)
Qfi/T2018TRO (13. Höpsismi, huuhaa ja humpuuki) (gallery) article
No image available
XFC AA2020-52-53B (Klassikkovisa) (gallery) hawk and a small flying soucer

Finland, Aku Ankka 2020-52-53 (2020)
Items referring to XFC AA2020-52-53B
Qfi/AAL2021-03 (gallery) article
    No image available
Qus/CBDL 24A (Story Notes) (gallery) article

United States, The Complete Carl Barks Disney Library (Fantagraphics) 24 (2021)
Qus/CBDL 27B (Story Notes) (gallery) article

United States, The Complete Carl Barks Disney Library (Fantagraphics) 27 (2022)
Qit/DCLA 16J (Gli eredi di Gottfredson: Romano Scarpa) (gallery) article
No image available
Qit/ZPP 64B (Attacco al Deposito!) (gallery) article, image
No image available

The information in the Inducks database is available under the conditions as mentioned in the Inducks licence. The pictures on this website are the property of Disney and are not part of Inducks.