List of appearances with comment: photo, cameo

List of appearance comments
Found 87 stories with appearance comment photo, cameo.

Daisy DuckRocket Race to the Moon (W WDC 93-02, 1948)se/KA2007-05e
Uncle ScroogePaperino e la palla misteriosa (I AT 292-A, 1981)se/DSB 2009e
Daisy DuckPaperino e la casa elettronica (I TL 1503-C, 1984)se/KAPS2004-01e
Daisy DuckTo Choose A Neighbour (D 8570, 1986)se/KA1986-31b
Grandma DuckPaperino e la festacquatica (I TL 1751-B, 1989)se/MIPO 1k
Daisy DuckAnother Vine Mess (AR 149, 1989)se/HOF 11j
Peg-Leg PeteSurvival Weekend (D 9758, 1990)se/KA1990-08c
Grandma DuckHoming Pigeons (D 88062, 1990)se/KA2002-36i
Huey Dewey and LouieHoming Pigeons (D 88062, 1990)se/KA2002-36i
Uncle ScroogeHoming Pigeons (D 88062, 1990)se/KA2002-36i
Daisy DuckPaperino e un diamante chiamato Corallo (I TL 1854-D, 1991)se/MIPO 15m
Prof. WaddlemeyerFor Whom the Bull Toils! (KJL 007, 1991)ar/DDA 22c, at/MMPSB 2dbb, at/MMPSB 3bbb, br/DJ 12p441, co/DKW 1d, de/LTBPR 5p031, de/MMP 7bb, es/DDA 22c, es/MS 27g, es/MS 28f, fi/AAL2015V49bc, fi/WLT 6c, fr/CDC 7c, gr/ALM 33b, no/AH 4c, pt/DBD 22c, us/DAR 2b, us/DARC 1c, us/DCCC 4c
Prof. WaddlemeyerFowl Play! (KJL 008, 1992)ar/DDA 22d, at/MMPSB 2dbc, at/MMPSB 3bbc, br/DJ 12p465, co/DKW 1e, de/LTBPR 5p056, de/MMP 7bc, es/DDA 22d, es/MS 29e, es/MS 30f, fi/WLT 6d, fr/CDC 7d, gr/ALM 34p08, no/AH 4d, pt/DBD 22d, us/DAR 3b, us/DARC 1d, us/DCCC 4d
Daisy DuckZio Paperone e il passaggio segreto (I TL 2042-4, 1995)se/MIPO 16k
Daisy DuckPaperino e il peso della giovinezza (I TL 2054-1, 1995)se/MIPO 1m
Daisy DuckPaperinik e la pizza traditrice (I PK 25-1, 1995)se/KAP 353d
Minnie MouseTopolino e la fuga all'ultimo minuto (I TL 2085-4, 1995)se/MIPO 21k
Daisy DuckOom Dingeman (H 95051, 1996)se/KA2007-46f
Daisy DuckZio Paperone e il salvataggio... per gioco (I TL 2104-3, 1996)se/MIPO 15c
The Beagle BoysZio Paperone e l'efficientissima MISS (I TL 2146-5, 1997)se/MIPO 4g
Magica De SpellZio Paperone e l'efficientissima MISS (I TL 2146-5, 1997)se/MIPO 4g
Daisy DuckPaperinik e il ritorno del trasformista (I PK 53-1, 1998)se/KAP 326d
Uncle 276-276Inbraak-verzekering (H 97008, 1998)se/KA2007-42d
HDL5War on All Fronts (D 98118, 1999)se/HOF 4t
Daisy Duckals piccolo (H 85107, 1999)se/KA2002-17j
Daisy DuckLa mossa segreta di Paperinik (I PK 65-1, 1999)se/KAP 371ia
Gyro GearloosePaperino e gli arrampicatori urbani (I TL 2253-2, 1999)se/MIPO 27b
The Phantom BlotTopolino e il tè per tre (I TL 2257-5, 1999)se/MIPO 27j
Peg-Leg PeteTopolino e il tè per tre (I TL 2257-5, 1999)se/MIPO 27j
Huey Dewey and LouieBossing The Boss Around (D 97220, 2000)se/KA2000-02f
GoofyTip & Tap e le insolite scuse (I TL 2319-3, 2000)se/KAP 389n
Daisy DuckLot in boek (H 97261, 2001)se/KA2002-42h
Rangi FangusNel fuoco (I PK2 17-1, 2002)se/SK 2002-08b
Minnie MouseThe Desert Bandit (D 98437, 2002)se/KA2002-36e
Minnie MouseOltre la tela (I XM 9-3, 2003)se/MP2006-06k
Daisy DuckPostzegel (H 99133, 2003)se/KA2005-18j
Minnie MouseThe Odd Twosome (D 2003-019, 2004)se/KA2004-09k
Daisy DuckBugged Duck (D 2003-091, 2004)se/KAP 306b
Daisy DuckWha's Happ'nin', Dood? (D 99172, 2004)se/KAP 305b
Daisy DuckPaperino e il mostro del lago (I TL 2529-2, 2004)se/KAP 310e
Huey Dewey and LouiePaperino e il mostro del lago (I TL 2529-2, 2004)se/KAP 310e
Elyon? (I W 39-1, 2004)se/W 2004-09p07
Daisy DuckPaperino, Pico e il favoloso termoghiaccio (I TL 2548-1, 2004)se/KAP 316c
Uncle ScroogeThe Junk Cup (D 2002-219, 2004)se/KA2004-45c
Daisy DuckPaperinik e Ciclone (I TL 2559-7, 2004)se/KAP 319f
Daisy DuckWrite or Wrong (D 2002-035, 2004)se/KA2004-53-01g
Daisy DuckSpook And Quackers (D 2004-027, 2005)se/KAP 315b
Daisy DuckDreams and Schemes (D 2004-030, 2005)se/KAP 316b
Donald DuckWhere's Donald? (D/E 2002-001, 2005)se/KAP 317h
Minnie MouseAs You Wish (D 2004-091, 2005)se/KA2005-25i
Huey Dewey and LouiePaperinik e gli ospiti impossibili (I TL 2589-1, 2005)se/KAP 332g
Minnie MouseBlue Fish, Blue Goofy (D 2003-168, 2005)se/KA2005-41g
Grandma DuckBeating The Wrap (D 2004-365, 2005)se/KA2005-49b
Huey Dewey and LouieOnce Upon A Time...Urgh! (D 2004-303, 2006)se/KAP 330n
Daisy DuckPaperinik e il doppio scoop (I TL 2624-1, 2006)se/KAP 343e
MichelleArrivi e partenze (I W 63-2, 2006)se/W 2006-18d
Daisy DuckZio Paperone e il grande Budinò (I TL 2643-1, 2006)se/KAP 364k
Daisy DuckThe Littlest Player (D 2005-163, 2006)se/KA2006-38d
Huey Dewey and LouieLa notte dei due Paperinik (I TL 2664-6, 2006)se/KAP 347d
Daisy DuckVillainy 101 (D 2004-335, 2007)se/KAP 343r
きららの母XJ NYR2007-02 (2007)br/PKL 4p130, fr/PK 4j, jp/DKP 4j, jp/NYR2007-02a, sg/KP 4j
きららの父XJ NYR2007-02 (2007)br/PKL 4p130, fr/PK 4j, jp/DKP 4j, jp/NYR2007-02a, sg/KP 4j
Arizona GoofTopolino e il caso tagliente (I TL 2667-1, 2007)se/KAP 347c
Aunt TessieTopolino e il caso tagliente (I TL 2667-1, 2007)se/KAP 347c
Daisy DuckFinefellas (D 2005-214, 2007)se/KA2008-16i
Daisy DuckTrophy Catch (D 2004-279, 2007)se/KA2007-29b
Huey Dewey and LouieI segreti del backstage (I TL 2709-1, 2007)se/KAP 379i
Grandpa BeagleZio Paperone e il temibile Fantobass (I TL 2713-2, 2007)se/KAP 370g
Daisy DuckChristmas Temptations (D 2006-003, 2007)se/KA2007-50b
Grandma DuckChristmas Temptations (D 2006-003, 2007)se/KA2007-50b
Gladstone GanderChristmas Temptations (D 2006-003, 2007)se/KA2007-50b
Gus GooseChristmas Temptations (D 2006-003, 2007)se/KA2007-50b
Uncle ScroogeChristmas Temptations (D 2006-003, 2007)se/KA2007-50b
Huey Dewey and LouieThe Duck Who Couldn't Say No (D 2005-118, 2008)se/KA2008-20b
Gladstone GanderA Little House By The Sea (D 2005-131, 2008)se/KA2008-28b
Uncle ScroogeThe Average Joe (D 2005-205, 2008)se/KA2008-38i
Huey Dewey and LouieWitch's Brew (D 2007-110, 2008)se/KA2008-44b
Mickey MouseClarabella e l'evasa in casa (I TL 2794-6, 2009)se/KAP 391g
Uncle ScroogeThe Mouse in the Moon (D 2008-078, 2009)se/KA2009-26c
Daisy DuckSell, Boys! Sell! (D 2006-164, 2009)se/KA2009-30c
The Beagle BoysTV Troubles (D 2006-210, 2009)se/KA2009-42j
Gladstone GanderPaperino, Paperoga e il grande Mou (I/D 2009-003, 2010)de/LTB 403ic, de/MC 96Acic, dk/JB 362p223, gr/NTB 29p037, is/MS 200k, it/PD 58n, nl/PO3 174ib, no/DP 362ic, pl/GP 119p223, se/KAP 376k
Daisy DuckSoccer City Showdown (D 2009-234, 2010)se/KAP 376b
Daisy DuckDonald's Last Case (D 2007-102, 2010)se/KA2010-40b
Uncle ScroogeReady-To-Werewolf (D 2008-254, 2010)se/KA2010-43h
Donald DuckA Hocus Pocus Halloween (D 2009-189, 2010)se/KA2010-43k
Uncle ScroogePaper Tiger (D 2008-370, 2011)se/KA2011-07l

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