Newly indexed

Stories: DC AA1984-34A, IC DA 8, IC TGLD 15C, XPWC MMJ 1-01, XPWC MMJ 1-02, XPWC MMJ 1-03, XPWC MMJ 1-04, XPWC MMJ 1-05, XPWC MMJ 1-06, XPWC MMJ 1-07 (other recently indexed comics). Issues: China: 米老鼠特刊 2001-04. Denmark: Anders And Junior 2024-09. Germany: Lustiges Taschenbuch Sonderband: Halloween 10; Lustiges Taschenbuch Young Comics 14; Reiseführer Entenhausen - Die schönsten Sehenswürdigkeiten 1HC. Italy: Disney avventura 8; Disney Special Events 49SP1. Netherlands: Algemeen Dagblad 20240912. Sweden: Carl Barks och Don Rosa: Originalen och uppföljarna 6. Yugoslavia: Микијев Забавник 793 (other recently indexed comics).

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60 scans, 27 story descriptions.
Scans thanks to DawnTreader, Mankkop, stan, tommydimensions: MT2001-04 (cn), JMMP 44 (fr), DB 808 (id), MD 15, 16, 17 (it).