What should the field look like? |
Syntax: [keywords:some,meaningful,words,separated,bycommas]
What does the field contain? |
Keywords related to the story. All words should have at least 2 characters. Quotes ('), hyphens, etc. are omitted.
Many keywords are automatically added from titles and descriptions in all languages. |
Which log messages are related to this field? |
Which CSV field(s) use this field? |
Table inducks_storyversion, field keywordsummary
part (in storyitems)
What should the field look like? |
Syntax: [part:xx]
In FSB files: Second line, between the first '[' and the next ']'. In Roman figures from I to XXVII.
What does the field contain? |
The part of a substory. Only valid if the story has a superstory, i.e. the superref field has a value.
This field is often confused with the DBI part field.
Currently, we allow that field to contain the same as in the DBS part field, but strictly speaking this is illogical, so it is not encouraged. |
Which checks are done? |
The field should be numeric or empty. (In FSB, Roman numbers are used.) |
Which log messages are related to this field? |
Log1 (serious) 253: field <...> non-digit
- The field (in a story index) must be a number or empty or '?'.
832: unknown Italian part <...>
- Italian parts must be roman numbers between I and XXVII.
Which CSV field(s) use this field? |
Table inducks_substory, field part
What should the field look like? |
Syntax: [storyparts:xx]
What does the field contain? |
The number of parts the story was designed.
In other words, when you look at the story, it is clearly visible (usually by recap panels) that it was intentionally split up in parts.
For FSB stories (and newspaper strips), the number of story parts is calculated automatically. |
Which checks are done? |
The field should be numeric or empty. |
Which log messages are related to this field? |
Log1 (serious) 253: field <...> non-digit
- The field (in a story index) must be a number or empty or '?'.
Which CSV field(s) use this field? |
Table inducks_story, field storyparts
What should the field look like? |
Syntax: [usedifferentcode:anything]
What does the field contain? |
If this field is nonempty, the storycode should not be used in any DBI file. The contents of the field is a hint to the DBI indexer about what to do.
The storycode can be used in an xref. |
Which log messages are related to this field? |
Log2 (error) 475: Use a different story code: <...>
- The story maintainer marked the storycode as not-to-be-used.
Which CSV field(s) use this field? |
Table inducks_story, field usedifferentcode
How is the data used in the rest of Inducks? |
Only for error log messages. |