This is Bolderbast, part of the website.

Dizni's log messages


Dizni produces several logfiles. They can be found on this directory.

There are 4 kinds of log messages:
  • Serious messages
    These messages are in log1 files. They are usually quite serious and need to be fixed as soon as possible.
  • Error messages
    These messages are in log2 files. These indicate errors that need to be fixed, but they are not fatal to the system.
  • Informational messages
    These messages are in log3 files. These messages may indicate errors, like incorrect story identifications.
  • Pedantic informational messages
    These messages are in log4 files. These messages may indicate errors, but are mainly hints to improve the data.

Here is a list of all possible log messages, ordered by message number.

100 (unknown field prefix <...>)
101 (field ... is defined twice, 2nd value <...> ignored)
101a (field desc-... is defined twice)
102 (strange layout, data will be lost!)
103 (brokpg specified twice)
104 (One or more characters are not printable ascii. Replaced by spaces in [...])
105 (Strange UTF-8 character(s) somewhere in one of the input files)
106 (Too many or too few brackets or caret or TAB used)
107 (Unexpected record type in file)
108 (There is a syntax error in one of the fields)
110 (unknown language <...>)
112 (Line should start with r+space <...>)
113 (No language defined on h1/h2/h3 line, and no default language in countries.dbx (assuming English))
114 (more than one language <...> is not possible, only 1st language used)
150 (Edition [...] is not in the form nl/XXYYYYMMDD)
151 (Edition [...] is not in the form nl/XXYYYYMMDD with YYYY, MM, and DD all numeric)
180 (More than 26 issues collecting; use explicit letters)
181 (Duplicate position in collecting field: ... (already used ...))
201 (no indexer specified, use inx:- or inx:?)
202 (Storycode is too short or otherwise too irregular!)
203 (maintenanceteam [...] does not exist)
210 (hero <...> does not appear in xapp <...> (add ! to hero if this is intentional))
211 (do not use [hero:...)] when story has xapp)
213 (character in names-field <...> for <...> does not appear in xapp <...> (add ! if this is intentional))
214 (character <...=...> appears in ... comic but has no name in that language)
215 (ink field is nonempty and not '-' (...) while art field is '-')
216 (storyitem has no proper storycode <...>)
220 (Lines are not properly sorted (... should be after ...))
221 (Identical entrycodes)
225 (Issue ... has equiv but is not in equivs file (equiv data <...>))
226 (Equiv <...> contains data that is not (or differently) in equivs file <...>)
227 (issdate should have a value (or '?' if fully unknown))
229 (Entry code [...] does not start with h3 issue code [...])
232 (code <...> contains non-ASCII characters)
235 (code <...> is an old code for <...>)
236 (code <...> is a subcode of <...> (part ...))
237 (xref <...> is not a plausible story code)
237s (superref <...> is not a plausible story code)
238 (superref field only allowed in w.dbi and dbs files!)
239 (xref <...> has no reference-reason)
241 (brokpg <...> specified while pages is empty (should be 0))
242 (brokpg <...> should be digits/digits or one of +hdq)
243 (invalid page layout <...>)
249 (includedin <...> should be a previous entry position)
251e (pages <...> non-digit)
253 (field <...> non-digit)
254 (part field <...> should be a number or 'final')
255 (missing panels <...> should be a number or 'r')
256 (cut <...> should be a number or in the form yy/zz, or xx yy/zz)
260 (D: without title)
271 (... <...> format should be yyyy-mm-dd)
272 (... <...> non-digit)
273 (... <...> wrong month)
274a (... <...> wrong day of month (31))
274b (... <...> wrong day of month (30))
276 (... <...> wrong format)
277 (... <...> wrong day)
281 (... <...> should be, but is not, a Sunday (but WOULD be a Sunday if day and month swapped!))
282 (... <...> should be, but is not, a Sunday)
283 (... <...> is, but should not be, a Sunday (but WOULD be a non-Sunday if day and month swapped!))
284 (... <...> is, but should not be, a Sunday)
287 (Field ... contains an item (...) more than once)
288 (One-time character in (x)app <*...> is also in characters.dbl)
289a (storyitem should not be used here)
289b (superref <...> should not be used here)
289c (ser <...> should not be used here)
291 (... <...> is not in the dbl file)
292 (hero-only <...> not allowed in (x)app)
293 (... <...> is an ambiguous name)
294 (... <...> should be indicated as <...>)
295 (Character more than once in (x)app, as ... and indirectly as ...)
296 (Amount in price field (...) is not numeric (with a decimal point), like 99 or 99.99)
298 (... <...> should be spelled as <...>)
299 (... <...> is not in the dbl file and suspiciously short)
301 (Site type '...' not supported (site ..., ...))
302 (Image site type '...' not supported (site ..., ...))
305 (One-time character (...) also used in ...)
306 (Unknown creator <...>)
310 (Story in [superref:...] not found, is start or end date wrong?)
350 (storycomment should only be used for story-items)
351 (xref from movie to movie ignored)
352 (xref to implausible code (...) ignored)
410 (Two story records with the same code)
411 (Story not in story file)
412 (Two story records with the same code)
413 (Story code should be <...> (packed:...))
414 (Two movie records with the same code)
415 (Secundary story entry is ignored, there already is a story with the same code)
420 (unresolved xref - story does not exist (packed ...))
421 (unresolved superref - super-story does not exist)
422 (substory has different ... <...> from superstory <...>)
423 (unresolved xref - movie does not exist (packed ...))
424 (unresolved xref from movie to story - story does not exist (packed ...))
425 (No fitting h0 header line that matches story code <...> - nearest lower h0 line is <...>)
431 (Story was reprinted (...) before its first publication date (...))
432 (Story has no desc. Desc in ...: ...)
442 (Pages (...) differ from story file (...) while changes/cut/origpg/part/includedin fields are empty)
443 (Pages (... ...) differ too much from story file (...) while changes/cut/origpg/part/includedin fields are empty)
444 (Pages is empty, use '?' or ...)
450 (...:... not in story file (source ...))
451 (...:... overruled by data from story file <...>)
452 (ser:... not in story file (source ...))
453 (Mismatch in ser:... with data from story file <...>)
454 (xref:... not in story file (source ...))
455 (Mismatch in xref:... with data from story file <...>)
456 (ser:... removed because story file says no ser!)
460 (xapp:... not in story file (source ...))
462 (xapp:... not in story file (source ...) only app (...))
463 (Entry (...) has xapp:... while story has non-matching app:...)
464 (app:... does not match with story xapp:...)
470 (desc:... ignored because the story already has it as a title)
474 (Different descs <...> and <...>)
475 (Use a different story code: <...>)
481 (xapp differs: story <...> - issue <...>)
482 (issue xapp <...> seems incomplete: story xapp is <...>)
490 (Unnoticed drastic changes: panels=..., orig panels=... (...))
501 (More than one story record in stories file!)
640 (Name of ... ... in translation file should be <...>)
649 (Empty translation of non-existing ... ... ignored)
650 (Translation <...> of non-existing ... ...)
651 (Translation <...> of ... ... defined twice)
652 (Key appears double in legend - also for ...)
653 (Alternative <...> appears double in legend - also for ...)
654 (Unknown universe <...>)
657 (Used nowhere)
658 (Occurs more than once!)
660 (NHH-data of non-existing person)
662 (No NHH-data defined for person ...)
663 (Name mismatch: NHH-data ... is not ...)
670 (@@@@@ Correct key is ... but also ...)
679 (NHH studio ... is not in creators.dbl)
681 (... ... not known in legend file)
682 (Translation of ... occurs more than once)
683 (...: ... added)
684 (... has translation <...> of unknown country)
685 (... has translation <...> of unknown language)
686 (... changed from ... to ...)
702 (Oldcode record (...) is not used...)
704 (Code on Equiv line (...) is not a used issue code)
705 (Contents of (...), collected in (.../...), not found)
811 (file ...: story data incomplete, less than 4 lines)
812 (file ...: too many or too few brackets or caret or TAB used)
813 (file ...: there is a syntax error in one of the fields)
820 (file ...: cannot parse header line <...>)
821 (default maintenanceteam [...] does not exist)
822 (code line does not start with 'I', so it is skipped <...>)
823 (code line has text behind the ')' <...>)
824 (title line has text behind the ']' <...>)
825 (credits line has more than 3 '/' <...>)
826 (pages line has more than 2 '/' <...>)
827 (various line is not '[prefix:value]' <...>)
829 (unknown field prefix <...>)
829a (unknown field prefix <...>)
830 (Italian story code has no '-' <...>)
832 (unknown Italian part <...>)
833 (... <...> is an ambiguous Italian name)
834 (subseries <...> is an ambiguous Italian name)
839 (Italian story code has no space between 'I ' and the '-' <...>)
840 (Story has supercodice but no part number)
841 (Cannot handle brokpg with different denominators in substories)
842 (Code of story in FSB does not start with an 'I')
999 (Entry country [...] not current country [...])
C01 (Universe has no characters)
C02 (... is nonempty: <...> is not written to ISV file)
C03 (Field is not numeric <...>)
C04 (Multiple translations <...> for language ...; only first one used)
C05 (... <...> should contain only one date.)
C06 (... <...> should not have ())
C08 (Unknown language <...>)
C09 (Unknown studio-country <...>)
C10 (More than one language <...> is not possible)
C11 (Character [...] is both one-time and unknown)
C12 (! or ) or ? behind field ...: <...> is not written to ISV file)
C21 (Inputfile number is 0)
C30 (Unknown nationality <...>)
C43 (Storycode contains '?')
C70 (Two items (... and ...) have the same hash; scans may be linked to the wrong item)
C80 (...: ... used in website/image ... but not found in Inducks)
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