This is Bolderbast, part of the website.


Which fields are explained on this page?
What are these fields about?
These are the fields (columns) in websites.dbp and scansites.dbp.
In which input files are these fields used?
On websites.dbp and scansites.dbp lines: in ISV input files.


What should the field look like?
This field has its own column.
What does the field contain?
Some extra properties of the website. Can be used by COA to distinguish sites with thumbnail-scans, etc.
Which log messages are related to this field?
Which CSV field(s) use this field?
Table inducks_site, field properties


What should the field look like?
This field has its own column.
What does the field contain?
A (short) code of the external website.
Which log messages are related to this field?
Which CSV field(s) use this field?
Table inducks_characterurl, field sitecode
Table inducks_entryurl, field sitecode
Table inducks_issueurl, field sitecode
Table inducks_personurl, field sitecode
Table inducks_publicationurl, field sitecode
Table inducks_site, field sitecode
Table inducks_storyurl, field sitecode
How is the data used in the rest of Inducks?
This is the name of the dbp file where the URLs of this site are given.


What should the field look like?
This field has its own column.
What does the field contain?
A picture to represent the external website on the Inducks webpages.
Which log messages are related to this field?
Which CSV field(s) use this field?
Table inducks_site, field sitelogo


What should the field look like?
This field has its own column.
What does the field contain?
A readable name of the website, to be used visibly on the Inducks webpages.
Which log messages are related to this field?
Which CSV field(s) use this field?
Table inducks_site, field sitename


What should the field look like?
This field has its own column.
What does the field contain?
The kind of data on the site. Possible values:
  • 'S': stories
  • 'P': publications (h1-headers)
  • 'I': issues (h3-headers)
  • 'C': persons ("creators")
  • 'H': characters ("heroes")
  • 'E': entries (lines in issue indexes)

'E' is only allowed in scansites.dbp. In that case, the DBP file contains one filename per line (See DBP_entryimage). In all other cases, the DBP file is in the format DBP_issueorstoryimage.
Which log messages are related to this field?
Log2 (error)
301: Site type '...' not supported (site ..., ...)
302: Image site type '...' not supported (site ..., ...)
Which CSV field(s) use this field?


What should the field look like?
This field has its own column.
What does the field contain?
The start of the url of all items on the site.
Which log messages are related to this field?
Which CSV field(s) use this field?
Table inducks_site, field urlbase

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