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Fields in a ISV file:
countries.dbx lines: cvsdirs - filename - layout - locked - maintenanceteam - abbrev - allowedstoryitemstarts - autostoryitemstarts - countryname - defaultlanguage
creators.dbh lines: dbh fields for persons
currencies.dbl lines: abbrev - name
equivs.dbx lines: undocumented fields
field DBX lines: locked - maintenanceteam - undocumented fields
languages.dbx lines: locked - maintenanceteam - abbrev - defaultlanguage - languagename - translationfilessubdir
oldcodes.dbx lines: undocumented fields
refreasons.dbl lines: comment - diznicomment - hiddencomment - undocumented fields
storyfiles.dbx and legendfiles.dbx lines: cvsdirs - filename - layout - locked - maintenanceteam - undocumented fields
studios.dbh lines: dbh fields for studios
subseries.dbl lines: comment - diznicomment - hiddencomment - abbrev - altnames - fsbname - normal name - category - unimportant
teams.dbx lines: undocumented fields
translation (heroes-xx.dbl etc.) lines: translation - undocumented fields
universes.dbl lines: undocumented fields
website DBP lines: undocumented fields
websites.dbp and scansites.dbp lines: properties - sitecode - sitelogo - sitename - sitetype - startofurl
Short description:
ISV input files
This format (Inducks-Separated-Values) is used for some of the DBL and DBX input files. (Here is an overview.)

In most files, the first line is skipped. It can contain the field names (but this is not checked when the file is read).

The other lines in the file contain the field data, separated by carets (^).

Empty lines and lines starting with a # are comment lines.
Log messages:
105: Strange UTF-8 character(s) somewhere in one of the input files
107: Unexpected record type in file - This is probably a programming error
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