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Which fields are explained on this page?
special date fields for movies
special fields for movies
special people fields for movies
In which input files are these fields used?
On movies.dbs lines: in movies.dbs.

special date fields for movies

What should the field look like?
Syntax: [fieldname:yyyy-mm-dd]
What does the field contain?
Various date fields for a movie.
The definition of the fields is in auxil/moviefields.dbx.

pubdate: The date of first publication of the movie.
creationdate: The creation date of a movie.
Which checks are done?
Standard date field checks:

The field always has the (international standard) format "yyyy-mm-dd".
If the day is unknown, the field has no "-dd" ("yyyy-mm"). If the month is unknown too, the date is simply a 4-digit year.

If only the quarter of the year is known, the date format is "yyyy-Qx" where x is 1, 2, 3, or 4. For instance "1998-Q3" = 3rd quarter of 1998.

A date field can be followed by a '?'.

If a date contains a letter 'y', 'm', or 'd', the rest of the date, starting with this letter, is ignored. This allows dates like "1978-mm-dd" and "1978-03-dd". (This feature was added to make the input more readable. Use it with care!)

Note that the full 4-digit year is mentioned in the date.

The checking on real dates is not done completely, for instance February 29th is allowed in all years.
Which log messages are related to this field?
Log1 (serious)
271: ... <...> format should be yyyy-mm-dd
272: ... <...> non-digit
273: ... <...> wrong month
274a: ... <...> wrong day of month (31)
274b: ... <...> wrong day of month (30)
276: ... <...> wrong format
277: ... <...> wrong day
C05: ... <...> should contain only one date.
C06: ... <...> should not have ()
Which CSV field(s) use this field?
Table inducks_movie, field creationdate
Table inducks_movie, field publicationdate

special fields for movies

What should the field look like?
Syntax: [fieldname:xxx]
What does the field contain?
desc: A short English description of the movie.
genre: C = Animated Cartoon, D = Documentary, L = Live-Action, M = Mix of Live-Action and Animated Cartoon.
tim: Duration ("time") of a movie.
orderer: Sums up the various orderers of Disney cartoons.
distrib: The distributor.
aka: Alternative title(s).
source: [source:genre;title;author;issdate] The "conventional" story that was the inspiration for the Disney movie.
Which log messages are related to this field?
Which CSV field(s) use this field?
Table inducks_movie, field aka
Table inducks_movie, field distributor
Table inducks_movie, field genre
Table inducks_movie, field moviedescription
Table inducks_movie, field orderer
Table inducks_movie, field source
Table inducks_movie, field tim

special people fields for movies

What should the field look like?
Syntax: [fieldname:xxx,xxx]
What does the field contain?
Various fields for people who worked on a movie.
The definition of the fields is in auxil/moviefields.dbx.

dir = director.
anim = animator(s).
background = animator(s) of backgrounds.
artdir = art director(s).
prod = producer(s).
cast = real-life actor(s).
Which checks are done?
Every name can be an abbreviation that is mentioned in the creators legend. But it can also be any other name.
Which log messages are related to this field?
Log1 (serious)
287: Field ... contains an item (...) more than once - Every name or abbreviation should occur only once.
Log3 (info)
293: ... <...> is an ambiguous name
294: ... <...> should be indicated as <...>
298: ... <...> should be spelled as <...> - The field is almost right: some spaces or capital letters differ.
Which CSV field(s) use this field?
Table inducks_movie, field moviejobsummary
Table inducks_moviejob, field doubt
Table inducks_moviejob, field indirect
Table inducks_moviejob, field moviejobcomment
Table inducks_moviejob, field personcode
Table inducks_moviejob, field role
How is the data used in the rest of Inducks?
If a person item was not in the legend, it is added with status "unknown".

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