This is Bolderbast, part of the website.

On this page:

Denmark (Gutenberghus / Egmont)
France (Disney Europe)
France (Edimonde-Loisirs)
Germany (Ehapa)
the Netherlands (Oberon / Geïllustreerde Pers / VNU / Sanoma)
Italy (Mondadori, Disney)
the United Kingdom (Fleetway, Egmont)

Production in Denmark (Gutenberghus / Egmont)

General information

At first, Egmont's original material was made whenever the situation warranted it, but without any real schedule. The earliest thing Egmont seems to have produced was the cover of Anders And & Co. 35/1959.

The actual D-coded story program began in 1961 when Egmont decided it didn't have enough American (W-coded) stories to satisfy itself. It negotiated (with both Disney and Western Publishing's George Sherman at first) to create its own stories. The first ones were written in Danish by Knut Dokker (Egmont's then-editor-in-chief) and drawn by Nils Rydahl. Rydahl also redrew a lot of already-existing gags and stories at the time, including Bill Wright's classic "Spirited Drizzlepuss" (a Mickey and Goofy story that became a Donald story in the redraw).

The first Rydahl story, written in 1961 and appearing in Anders And 35/1962, was Donald Duck "In The Footsteps of Rembrandt." The story wasn't coded at the time, nor were Rydahl's others.

Later an "official" Egmont numbering/coding process began, whereby everything Rydahl did - stories, covers, puzzles, redrawn other material, and (probably) advertising art - were all assigned consecutive R-codes (for "Rydahl"). The first actual comic story to get a code like this was R 286, "Snow" (a half-page gag in Anders And 50/1968). As other artists (Adrian, Lagerwall, and Møller, as well as Antonio Gil-Bao) joined Rydahl, the R-code system became the D-code system.

It was at this time that the earliest Rydahl stories and other Egmont material were retroactively given codes. This extremely early body of work was now given special codes based on their publication issues - so "In The Footsteps of Rembrandt" became D 35/1962, and the earlier cover became D 35/1959.

Around 1971 the coding jumped from about D 1547, or whatever they'd reached at the time, to D 2001.

Egmont was called Gutenberghus before 1992. In the above we only used the name Egmont, for clarity.

Story codes

The D-codes are coded D + 4 digits. Beginning in the year after they reached D 10000 (1988), the stories are coded per year, e.g. D 88020. Since 2000, the year is fully listed, and a '-' is added for clarity. For instance D 2000-001.
1971 - 1981: D 2000 - D 6942 (2471 stories)
1982: D 6944 - D 7544 (300 stories)
1983: D 7546 - D 8166 (310 stories)
1984: D 8168 - D 8616 (224 stories)
1985: D 8618 - D 9070 (226 stories)
1986: D 9072 - D 9550 (239 stories)
1987: D 9552 - D 10168 (308 stories)
1988: 398 stories
1989: 307 stories
1990: 353 stories
1991: 426 stories

The covers and puzzle pages, etc. are still numbered in the "old" range.

For some reason, the stories of the Wuzzles, Gummibears and Winnie the Pooh (and some more) have their own story numbers, like D/GUB 101.

Beginning with D 5274 (or therabouts), all even codes are for stories, while the odd codes are for covers, puzzle pages, etc.

Story codes in Inducks

In Inducks, the D-codes are used almost as written on the stories:
"D" + 2 spaces + 4-digit code (D  3456)
"D" + 1 space + 5-digit code (D 93123)
"D" + 1 space + 4-digit year + '-' + 3-digit code (D 2000-001)

The Danish have redrawn a lot of "foreign" stories in the 60s and 70s. If we don't know their real D-codes, these stories get an Inducks code starting with "D ", plus an indication of the original story code. Examples (fictitious): "D WDC 123-01" (redrawn from "W WDC 123-01"), "D AT 123-A" (redrawn from "I AT 123-A"), "D S 67123" (from "S 67123").

All Egmont covers and illustrations since 1971 have an official code. This code, however, is often not printed, so it is only known in internal administrations. Therefore we use our own codes for them, starting with DC. The rest of the code is based on the first Danish publication. If a cover was not published in Denmark, but in another country, we use codes starting with GC (Germany), XSC (Sweden), or XNC (Norway).

contributions: David Gerstein (30.12.1998), Harry Fluks, Copywrite 5 (fall 1992)

Production in France (Disney Europe)

General information

The Disney Europe division in Paris makes their own comic stories. Usually these are comic adaptations of Disney movies, meant for "graphic novels" in various countries.

Story codes

Disney Europe uses story codes starting with "E GN". We think this stands for European Graphic Novel.

Story codes in Inducks

Disney Europe did not give the covers for their graphic novels a code. We use our own codes for them, starting with EC. The rest of the code is based on the French title of the graphic novel.

Production in France (Edimonde-Loisirs)

General information

The first art with Disney characters produced for a magazine written in French was done in 1950 by Tenas (October 1950) who was a Belgian artist, actually called Louis Saintels. This art was the cover of the first issue of the Belgian Mickey Magazine.

The first story drawn with Disney characters specially for a French magazine was "Le Tour de France de Mickey" that started with the first issue of the post-war Journal de Mickey, the 1st of June 1952. This story was again drawn by Tenas and scripted by Pierre Fallot. It was published 1 page at a time (each week) for 14 weeks.

The first series written and drawn by Frenchmen was "Mickey A Travers Les Siècles" for Le Journal de Mickey. It lasted for 1338 pages (!!), 171 episodes (+1 intro and 1 conclusion) and started with no. 15 of Le Journal de Mickey in 1952 (7th of September). The first 9 pages were drawn by Tenas. All of the others by the great Pierre Nicolas who actually created the "Disney comic books studio" (unofficial title, of course) in 1952.
The story were scripted by Pierre Fallot till his death in 1974. In 1974, nobody was able to replace him. Michel Mandry and Raymond Calame (from the editorial staff of Edi-Monde) asked Juliette Benzoni and Claude Yelnick (from the magazine "Lecture pour Tous") to write stories but the result was not satisfactory. Michel Mandry also wrote a "Mickey à travers les siècles" adventure that was never published. Finally, Didier le Corfec was choosen and scripted the series till the end, in 1978. His first story was "corrected" by Calame and Mandry.
The series is considered by many French Disney comic books enthusiasts as The French Cult Series. It was full (really FULL) of puns impossible to translate. A delight.

Recent French stories are e.g. about the Disney Babies, Sport Goofy and a super-hero version of Black Pete.

Also Ducktales, Rescue Rangers, Talespin, many "normal" Mickey and Goofy stories, James Goof (Goofy as James Bond), Taran (from "The Black Cauldron"), Fethry, and Ellsworth stories.

Story codes

French codes have 5 parts: title of mag / year / series of comics / story number / type of story.
E.g.: F-92002-C = /F/ - /92/ /0/ /02/ - /C/
The type of a story can be:
C = Complete Story
D = "Divertissement" (Entertainment) or activity
E = Episode of a Story
G = Gag
(Also various letters for "limited" series of gags like "P" for "Préhistoire".
The "E" was used very few times.)

The series of comics depends on the magazine title:
Journal de Mickey (F-JM):
0 = Mickey enigme
2 = Creation of several pages
3 = Genius gags
4 = Disney Babies

The digit 1 was also used for special one-shot gags in the late 80s. Later, Disney-Hachette added other series 6, 7, 8 (their meanings can be easily understood in the French index).

P'tit Loup (F-PL):
0 = Creation of several pages
1 = Li'l Wolf gag
4 = Game comics

Picsou Magazine (F-PM):
1 = Flagada Jones gag (Launchpad)
2 = Fethry Duck gag

Winnie (F-W):
0 = Creation of several pages

The following is a theory, by François W., based on his index of all the French stories. October, 1999.

The text below is only a personal (and probably inaccurate) theory about early F-codes.

Between 1980 and 1985 the codes where F JM YYnnn for a story published (not written) in 19YY. "nnn" means nnnth story written since 1980. So after e.g. F JM 83023, there is F JM 84024. And after that, it can be F JM 82025. Which means that story #25 was published 2 years before story #24.

Actually, the first story has no number, and the second starts by "001" (F JM 81001). Note that I'm only talking about stories here. Some special gags (not meant for reprint outside France) were not coded.

The French simply started to count the stories 001, 002 etc. At the request of someone (maybe Disney in Burbank?), they added a year to the codes, following Studio codes.

When a series of new Sport Goofy gags were produced, around 1984, they were included in the middle of other codes, because these were meant for publication in all Europe (and were published in Holland).

But when new riddle gags were produced every week, they didn't want to include these in the middle of long stories (partly because the riddle gags were not produced by the same persons in the same dept).
So they used F JM 85001, F JM 85002 etc. for the riddle gags. This was possible because story #99 was F JM 84099, and not F JM 85099.

Around 1985, the coding system changed, and the absolute nnn system was abandoned. The last story with the old system possibly is F JM 85143.

Hachette decided to use a range (001-099, 101-199, etc.) for any new series of stories or gags, starting at n01 each year. The latest story was #123 (or something like that), so range 101-199 could not be used, nor 001-099 (the range of Riddle gags). So they used the range 201-299. Today, stories still have codes between 201 and 299.

When new Ellsworth gags were produced, they gave these the range "301-399". Then "401-499" for the Disney Babies. Recently, they have used 601-699, 701-799 and 801-899. I have no clue why 501-599 was never used.

What is important to notice is that between 1980 and 1985, Hachette gave a number to any new story produced, in the order they were written. But after 1985, the stories get a number only when they are scheduled for a particular issue. So you can't tell if stories were rejected, or if a particular story was written before or after another one. Also, the persons who add numbers sometimes make mistakes, and use the same code twice. So the codes are wrong but there are no "correct" codes at all!

I think this is also the reason why "F JM 84121" is printed in a Dutch issue (instead of F JM 85121). For the French, the story is #121, but when they sent it to Burbank they didn't know in which "year" it would be published. Indeed they had to send each new story to Burbank for approval (also translation and redistribution in all Europe), months before, but without any definitive code.
When other countries got the stories from Burbank, they likely copied a wrong code made up by Hachette.

This also happened in Denmark. Even in France, I have seen the same stories with different codes (the same nnn but not the same year).

Story codes in Inducks

In Inducks, we omit the final letter of the printed story code (it adds no information). The general syntax therefore is:
"F" + space + 1 or 2 letters + 2 or 1 space(s) + 5 digits

1 or 2 letters indicate the comic series (JM, PL, PM, W).

We have normalised the codes, adding an additional space after W so as to have the digits always at the same position.

The French did not give most of their covers and illustrations a code. We use our own codes for them, starting with FC. The rest of the code is based on the first French publication.

contributions: Didier Ghez, François W., David G., Copywrite 5 (fall 1992), Harry F.

Production in Germany (Ehapa)

General information

The Germans occasionally produced new stories of their own, with art that appears to be done locally. One such story was a Mickey, Donald and Scrooge story done especially for their 2000th issue (about a contest where the winner got the first German MM, shown numerous times throughout the story).

In the 80s, Germany had 2 comic album series, for which they produced the stories, Disney Auto Album and Onkel Dagoberts Schatztruhe (Uncle Scrooge's Treasure Chest, written by Adolf Kabatek).

Story codes

The stories we spotted were coded with a G, or simply "EHAPA".

Story codes in Inducks

In Inducks, we use codes starting with "G " (for stories) or "GC " (for covers/illustrations - the rest of the code is based on the German publication).

contributions: David Gerstein, Harry Fluks

Production in the Netherlands (Oberon / Geïllustreerde Pers / VNU / Sanoma)

General information

In Holland, they started to make an occasional Disney story in 1953. In 1965-1969, they let the Toonder Studio's make 4-page stories of Li'l bad wolf and Hiawatha. These stories are very Dutch, with word jokes an such. (Though some of them have even been published in Scandinavia...)

Beginning in 1969, the Dutch editor had their own story production. They started with very bad and very short stories. In 1973, after Daan Jippes joined the crew, quality became much higher. Writers and artists were coached by Jippes, and the work by Barks was the great example.

Famous "Dutch" artists are Daan Jippes, Freddy Milton (a Dane), Ben Verhagen, Mau Heymans, Volker Reiche and Jan Gulbransson (both Germans).

Story codes

Prior to 1969, Dutch stories had no story code, or something unclear like S.B.W.D.R.T. printed on every page. Or just a "GP" logo.

In 1969, the editor started its own production. The editor was then called Geïllustreerde Pers (Illustrated Press), and the first stories were coded with GP. In 1971 they started to code the stories with an H.

In 1972, GP was renamed to Oberon; about 1990, the Disney part of Oberon became GP again. And in 1998 they changed their name to VNU, before being bought by the Finnish company Sanoma.

From 1969 to 1972, the stories were only numbered by character, e.g. GP/MM/1 (= Jippes MM story). From 1973 to 1978, the stories were numbered by year and character, e.g. H/DD/7418. (In Gladstone reprints the `DD' was removed from the code: H 7418.) Since 1979, the stories are numbered by year only, e.g. H 7934.

Since 2000 they (oddly) omit the 2nd and 3rd character from the year. This means story codes from 2000 start with 20, from 2001 with 21, etc.

Since 2010, the codes have a full 4-digit year, like H 2010-001.

Story codes in Inducks

Inducks uses "normalised" codes, which means that all codes start with H (even the GP ones). And all 4-digit codes get 5 digits by inserting a zero: H 8923 becomes H 89023 (and H 2023 becomes H 20023!).

There are also some "normalising" rules for the codes from 1953-1978. We refer to the index of H-coded stories for this.

The Dutch did not give most of their covers and illustrations a code. We use our own codes for them, starting with HC. The rest of the code is based on the first Dutch publication.

contributions: Harry Fluks

Production in Italy (Mondadori, Disney)

General information

The first Italian comic book stories were a series of one-pagers with Mickey Mouse in 1931-32, first drawn by Gugliemo Guastaveglia, and later by "Buriko". They usually paired Mickey with Kat Nipp, the 1931 Gottfredson character.
Then there was a break until 1937, with `Paperino e il mistero di Marte', `Paperino inviato speciale' and `Paperino e il mistero del vaso cinese' (writer Federico Pedrocchi, artist Pinochi).

Mondadori started to produce them regularly in 1948. Most of the more important writers/artists (Scarpa, Bottaro...) were freelancers, doing a lot of work for different publishers.

A few years ago, Disney took over the Italian Disney publishing. The artists that worked for Mondadori are still working for Disney. Regarding comics books, the things are quite the same, even if there is now the attempt to create a real studio (with also a Disney University for training), where the style preferred by young authors seems to follow the most successful Disney artist of the 80s in Italy, Giorgio Cavazzano.

Story codes

The stories are mostly coded I + issue number of "Topolino" + story letter. E.g. code I-1425-B refers to the second original story of the issue 1425 of the weekly Topolino: it has two long Italian stories (more than 20 pages) per issue. There were many other comic books (either regular or digest, but very thick) publishing original material, and they had a different code, as for Almanacco Topolino (a monthly) that used AT + the issue number.

Story codes in Inducks

For Inducks we use "normalised" story codes, that have more of a system than the original printed codes.

An Italian story code has the following syntax:
"I" + space + letters + (spaces) + digits + "-" + sequence

letters = indication for the comic series
the length of "letters + (space) + digits" is always exactly 7.
sequence = one or 2 characters (digits or letters)
Example: "I TL 1425-B"

Initially, the following letter combinations had been defined (by Marco Barlotti) for Italian comic series.
AT      Almanacco Topolino (1957-1984)
PM      Paperino Mese
PY      Paper Fantasy
SA      Super Almanacco Paperino (first series)
SAP     Super Almanacco Paperino (second series)
TL      Topolino (Libretto)
TM      TopoMistery
TG      Topolino Giornale
MG      Mega Almanacco - Mega 2000
PG      Paperino (1937-1942; PG means "Paperino Giornale")
PC      Paperino & C. (then Paperino)
PM      Paperino Mese - Paperino (monthly, currently on sale)
ZP      Zio Paperone
GM      Giovani Marmotte
PK      Paperinik
PKNA    Paperinik New Adventures
RT      Ridi Topolino
M       Minni
DMR     Disney Megazine
A       Amici di Zampa
CWD     Classici di Walt Disney (first series)
CD      Classici di Walt Disney (now Classici Disney)
GCD     I Grandi Classici Disney
DT      Disney Time
AR      Albi della Rosa, then Albi di Topolino
ATM     Albi di Topolino (a monthly now on sale, started again from issue #1)
EZP     L'Economia di Zio Paperone #n year 19yy: EZP yyn
PLE     Paperino nel labirinto dell'Economia #n: PLE n
PRT     Paperino alla scoperta delle ricchezze del mondo #n: PRT n
The coding system for Albi d'Oro is a bit different. Because of the length of the code, there is no space between "AO" and the number:
AO      Albi d'Oro (first series 1946-1952) #n: AO46nnn-A - AO52nnn-A
AO      Albi d'Oro (second series, 1953) #n: AO53nnn-A
AO      Albi d'Oro (second series, 1954) #n: AO54nnn-A
AO      Albi d'Oro (second series, 1955) #n: AO55nnn-A
AO      Albi d'Oro (second series, 1956) #n: AO56nnn-A

About the final characters behind the '-', Marco wrote the following:

In fact my idea is that
-for "old" series we use the -A, -B, -C like in old "Topolino" issues
-for "new" series we use the -1, -2, -3 like in new "Topolino" issues

Thus Albi d'oro and Almanacco and Super Almanacco Paperino and Mega Almanacco (which DOESN'T print original stories nowadays) get -A, -B, -C while Ridi Topolino and Topo Mistery (which only recently started printing original stories) get -1, -2, -3...

For Paperino Mese I use the following: up to issue #111 (where the stories have 4-tier format) I use -A, -B, -C. From issue #114 onwards (where the stories have 3-tier format) I use -1, -2, -3.
Of course there are NO original stories in issues #112 and #113...

contributions: Fabio Gadducci, David Gerstein, Marco Barlotti

Production in the United Kingdom (Fleetway, Egmont)

General information

The first British Disney comic stories were a series of stories, none longer than four pages, with Mickey, Minnie, Horace, Clarabelle, Dippy, and Butch, done through the 1930s for Dean's MICKEY MOUSE ANNUAL series. Most were drawn by Wilfred Haughton. The original Donald stories, including "Donald and Donna" and "Donald and Mac," were drawn by William A. Ward from 1937-1941, both adventure series with Eli Squinch as a continuing villain. There was also a series pairing Goofy and Toby Tortoise as detectives. The British also did long-running series of gag strips with Clarabelle Cow, Goofy, and Eega Beeva. In the 1950s, the British produced a few long Mickey adventures of their own, including "The Land of Pantomimes" (with Mickey and Eega).
Horst Schröder wrote the following:

British "Micky Mouse Weekly" (MMW) started at February 8th, 1936 and together with Italian "Topolino" (1932) and French "Le Journal de Mickey" (1934) is one of the oldest Disney comics in Europe. Contents of those oversized books of 8 to 16 pages were not only Disney material. Main attraction of MMW was the back cover containing Floyd Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse strips in beautifully coloured photographical prints. In the inside there were reprints of "Silly Symphonies" (Sunday pages based on the Disney films) and individual gag pages. Additionally to this original US-material there were British-licensed strips and a series of articles with Disney characters, but also a lot of not-Disney-related material.

Most remarkable were the covers drawn by Brit Wilfred Haughton until shortly before WW II. Six of his most beautiful covers are reprinted in "Ich Goofy" (and another five in the second book). Without doubt there are better crafted covers but they have a certain charm that should appeal to every comic fan. In contrast to his later covers Haughton didn't concentrate on a few or just one character in those early covers but assembled everybody from the Disney universe of that time. He didn't only use "film situations" but used the characters in typically British surroundings, too. His style was heavily influenced by the early cartoons, even in later times when the Disney characters already got "more elegant". Often he did covers as "mini-comics" with text bubbles and simple gags, often based on sit-com. Both the relation to the early cartoons and the simple sitcom especially showed in the character of Goofy who was still the dumb "Dippy" from the beginning years.

There's not too much known about Wilfred Haughton. Before his work for MMW he illustrated the British Disney Yearbooks (published since 1930) which contained re-tellings of the cartoons and original stories. In the early 1930s Haughton did a humoristic strip about two "negro children" called "Ebb and Flo" in "The Daily Herald". He was also known as inventor of toys and producer of puppet trickfilms. He also was the artist of several stories with Goofy and Toby Tortoise (the tortoise from "The Tortoise and the Hare" (1935) and "Toby Tortoise Returns" (1936)) being detectives. Toby appeared on a lot of covers of MMW. In 1939 Haughton had to give up drawing the covers because he insisted to draw the characters still in the style of the 1930s. His successor as cover artist was at first Victor Ibbitson, later Charles Richardson and his brother Ernest. Some of the covers after the war have been drawn by Basil Reynolds.

There have been 4 long continuing Goofy &Toby detective stories which Wilfred Haughton drew in 1936. Also Basil Reynolds did a Goofy-feature for a long time in which he did this "verbal nonsense" the British like so much.

(See also the page on Swedish production)

Story codes

As far as we know, UK stories didn't carry any story codes.

Story codes in Inducks

UK stories get a code starting with U. Covers and illustrations start with UC. In both cases, the rest of the code is based on the first publication.

contributions: David Gerstein, Horst Schröder (quoted by Brix Lichtenberg)

Production in Belgium

General information

See the text about the French production.

Story codes

Belgian stories had no story codes.

Story codes in Inducks

We make up story codes, starting with XB (for stories) or XBC (for covers and illustrations). The rest of the code is based on the first Francophone Belgian publication.

Production in Finland

General information

For lots of information about contemporary Finnish production, look on Timo Ronkainen's website!

Wallu (Harri Vaalio is his real name) drew and wrote during 1986-88 eleven Winnie the Pooh stories for the Finnish Winnie the Pooh and Winnie the Pooh activity magazines. You can recognize the stories he drew by the code in the first panel SF-01... etc.
In addition he drew a couple of competition illustrations and some vignette picture for the activity magazine. He also wrote and drew one story for Denmark, but as far as he knows it was never published.
Wallu's stories for the Winnie the Pooh magazine were 5-8-pagers, the stories for the activity magazine were always four-pagers.
This is what Wallu himself wrote about it (in March 1999):
In 1985 the Finnish publisher of Disney-comics, Sanomprint, asked me (and two other fellows) to write and draw a five-page-story about Winnie The pooh. I think they were not satisfied with the material that was coming from Denmark. They wanted to produce pages also here in Finland. So I did the story and they took it (with the works of those other two artists) to the USA and the US Disney said to go ahead with me. I had to draw my first story again but then it was published in Finnish Winnie The Pooh magazine in 1986. After that I made ten more stories (4-8 pagers) to Finnish Winnie (5 were printed in normal Winnie-magazine, 6 in smaller Winnie Activity mag into which I also did some other drawins about Pooh, too). I believe they are never published elsewhere.

All the time I was drawing here in Finland the Danish didn't like it. It all came to end when they said to the Finns, that if I continued to draw they don't deliver any Donald Duck material to Finland... So to keep themselves out of harm Sanomaprint didn't fire me but turned me to Gutenberghus.

Then I wrote one storyline in English to Denmark and they said Go ahead. I drew the story (Winnie The Pooh goes Woozlehunting) and sent it to them, but after a long time they sent me a letter in which they said sorry, but I wasn't drawing like Disney material was supposed to be drawn. They even told me that I draw in old American way, but they had a new way (made in Spain...). And Sorry but that's it, GOODBYE. They never paid me anything, and I was too angry to ask...

I really don't know what happened to my 12th Winnie The Pooh story.
end of Wallu quote

Finnish cartoonist Mauri Kunnas made a Donald Duck story at some point in the 1970s. He had trained himself for a long time so that he was able to produce drawings VERY much Barks-like. In fact, when he offered the pages to the publisher (Egmont, probably) they refused to publish it because it was TOO MUCH like Barks. Anyway, they bought the script and someone else re-drew it.

Story codes

As said above, the Wallu stories carried a code starting with SF.

Story codes in Inducks

Inducks codes start with XF.

Some recent covers and illustrations (mostly by Don Rosa and Dutch artists) were made for Finland, and have no known story code. We give them a code starting with XFC.

The XFC codes are also used for some special Finnish items, not produced for the regular Finnish publisher.

contributions: Henri Sivonen, Jyrki Vainio, Harri Vaalio

Production in Norway

General information

Norway didn't have its own Disney comics production.

Story codes in Inducks

Some covers and illustrations, made for Egmont, were printed in Norway only, and have no known story code. We give them a code starting with XNC.

The XNC codes are also used for some special Norwegian items, not produced for Egmont.

Production in Sweden

General information

In the first issue (1937) of "Musse Pigg Tidningen" there where 3 Disney Comics, which where made in Sweden.
  • The defective bureau with Mickey Mouse and Goofy. (Detective was spelled as above, with an "F".)
  • An adventure with Mickey's nephews (Teddy and Freddy) and Donald Duck. (Mickey's nephews where called "The smalspikes", or something like that).
  • Mickey Mouse in the land of the Giants. (After 8 issues this story was replaced by Hiawatha, which after 10 episodes was replaced by Don Mickey)
These stories covered one page each per issue, and then continued in the next one, and the next one, and so on.
The stories where written by Roland Romell and drawn by Birger Allernäs Lars Bylund and sometimes Åke Skiöld.
The last issue (#25) of "MPT" came out in 1938.

This information was collected from and article by Ebbe Zetterstads, in "Seriekatalogen 1996-1997".

François W. discovered that the "Defective Agency" story was actually redrawn from a UK story. The UK version also featured non-Disney characters that could not be used in Sweden. That's the most likely reason for the redrawing.

More research about the other stories is needed!

Story codes

As far as we know, the old Swedish stories did not have a story code.

Story codes in Inducks

The stories mentioned above have a code starting with "XS ", followed by the Swedish publication of the first part of the story.

Some covers and illustrations, made for Egmont, were printed in Sweden only, and have no known story code. We give them a code starting with XSC.

The XSC codes are also used for some special Swedish items, not produced for Egmont.

contributions: Ebbe Zetterstads, Per-Erik Malström, François W., Stefan Persson

Production in Yugoslavia

General information

Yugoslavia made their own comic stories, at a certain time.

Story codes in Inducks

We give the Yugoslavian production story codes starting with XY.
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