HARRY'S DD50 PAGINA'S (1966) |
Alle foto's (tenzij anders vermeld): copyright Harry Fluks
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This year:
Funny things: Translating is a profession
(List of other years)
Funny things: The Decimal Madam Mim
(List of other years)
Funny things: Uncle Remus does not exist
(List of other years)
Funny things: Halewijn de Klein
(List of other years)
Funny things: Wall paper
(List of other years)
Personal memories: My first acquaintance with the Weekly
(List of other years)
Translating is a profession
The English language uses the word MUSH in two ways. It's a kind of food, but it's also used
to shout to animals.
In the story in weekly 5, the Dutch translator used the food translation ("pap"). This
word makes no sense here: the Dutch never shout "pap" to their animals.
The Decimal Madam Mim
Most Disney comic characters have 4 fingers per hand and 4 toes per foot.
In weekly 19 we see a rare case where Mad Madam Mim has 10 fingers and 10 toes.
We didn't investigate yet whether this occurs more often.
Uncle Remus does not exist
The original (movie) adventures of Brer Rabbit were told by Uncle Remus, an African-American
with a heavy southern accent. In Holland, this person is completely unknown. In the few cases
where Uncle Remus appeared in a comic story, he was replaced by something else.
For instance by Donald Duck, who tells the story here. The half page with Donald and the
nephews was especially made in Holland by E. Lukacs.
Halewijn de Klein
The well-known Dutch singer Boudewijn de Groot is known in Duckburg under the name Halewijn de Klein.
(Groot = large, klein = small. Boudewijn and Halewijn are both ancient-sounding names.)
This fact was also mentioned on the website (in Dutch) about Boudewijn de Groot
Panel from Weekly 42 of 1966
Wall paper
I know of many occasions where panels from Disney comics were used as an illustration on
walls or windows, especially on schools.
But I don't know many cases where an entire story was used on a wall.
The photographs below are of a sound wall in Groningen (Beneluxweg - Rijksweg), by coincidence
on walking distance from my parents' house. The wall contains the Donald story from Weekly 28.
The main plot of the story is the same, even if the wall drawings have no text at all.
The wall was built after the construction of the Beneluxweg (road) in 1986.
My first acquaintance with the Weekly
In 1966, my parents subscribed to the Weekly. First for my older sister only, but later I started reading them too.
Unfortunately, we managed to destroy lots of them while reading...
1966 number 37 still has a special meaning to me. It was the first Weekly that I had from my youth.
The issue itself is memorable also because of the horribly-drawn opening story...
All texts are copyright Harry Fluks. Do not copy without permission.
This website has been built as a hobby. It has no official connections to Disney or the weekly Donald Duck magazine.
Drawings are copyright Disney, photographs are copyright of Harry Fluks. Unless noted otherwise.