HARRY'S DD50 PAGINA'S (1975) |
Alle foto's (tenzij anders vermeld): copyright Harry Fluks
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This year:
Funny things: 1975: top year for Barks stories
(List of other years)
The favourite year of... David Gerstein
(List of other years)
People: Daan Jippes
(List of other years)
1975: top year for Barks stories
The largest amount of Barks pages in the Weekly ever were published in 1975. This follows from the statistical
picture that I made in 1985 (by hand).
In green we see the number of original Barks pages in a year.
Reprint pages are shown in red. The 10 reprint pages in 1968 are a mistake by the editor.
The 9 reprint pages in 1971 are the fireman story, reprinted in Weekly number 1000.
A print of something that was published before outside the Weekly (e.g. in an album) does not count
as a reprint.
1975 was a top year, also because there was a Barks gag on the back cover every week. That means 52 extra
We can clearly see the top years in the ancient times and in 1968 (mainly sequence stories),
but also the lowlights of 1969 and 1984.
The favourite year of... David Gerstein
I hope you'll note somewhere the fact that Dutch weekly issue
06/1975 has the single best cover ever drawn for any comic. I have said it;
thereby it is so! :-) :-) (Ahh, the best of Jippes!!!)
Daan Jippes
- The face of the Weekly
Daan Jippes, whose first artwork appeared in the Weekly in 1972, has been the face of the Weekly for decades.
Not only because he made many covers, but also by acting like an "art director",
thereby guarding the quality of the other Disney artists.
He also redrew a number of Carl Barks stories, where only bad copies were available.
In this way, these rare stories became available for a large audience.
Below a photograph with Jippes (made in Den Bosch on 22-09-2001) and a fan drawing.
All texts are copyright Harry Fluks. Do not copy without permission.
This website has been built as a hobby. It has no official connections to Disney or the weekly Donald Duck magazine.
Drawings are copyright Disney, photographs are copyright of Harry Fluks. Unless noted otherwise.