HARRY'S DD50 PAGINA'S (1991) |
Alle foto's (tenzij anders vermeld): copyright Harry Fluks
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This year:
Funny things: Ludwig Von Drake? Who's that?
(List of other years)
Funny things: Cleaner Ducks Scrub With Fluks
(List of other years)
Ludwig Von Drake? Who's that?
Professor Luwig Von Drake, a well-known character in the 60s, is virtually unknown in the 90s.
The weekly reprints some Von Drake stories, but the main characters are redrawn, making them Donald Duck stories.
An example: the original story from weekly 9, 1965:
The reprint from weekly 13 of 1991:
Cleaner Ducks Scrub With Fluks
For issue number 2000 of the Weekly (which actually was only number 1999) a special story was made
(text Evert Geradts, art Mau Heymans). This story was used later in Germany:
because the German magazine was a monthly at first, their issue 2000 was later than the Dutch.
In America the story was used in Donald Duck #300 (Donald Duck was a monthly, sometimes
appearing much less frequent). The original story had a bill board about Flux soap. In the American
version they "corrected" that: the soap brand is now spelled as FLUKS...
Above: page from American Donald Duck #300
All texts are copyright Harry Fluks. Do not copy without permission.
This website has been built as a hobby. It has no official connections to Disney or the weekly Donald Duck magazine.
Drawings are copyright Disney, photographs are copyright of Harry Fluks. Unless noted otherwise.